Roy Moore Protege Attacks Legacy of Hugo Black
Parker is running on what is widely viewed as a payback slate of candidates seeking vengeance against the justices who voted -- unanimously -- for the ouster of Moore. The Associated Press reported on the flap over Parker's attack on Hugo Black on the occasion of the induction of the late Supreme Court justice into its hall of fame last week.
Parker issued a statement calling Black's induction into the Alabama Lawyers Hall of Fame a "shameful disgrace to the people and state of Alabama." He said Black "personally launched the war to kick God out of the public square in America." Black was a Senator from Alabama before President Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed him to the Court in 1937. He served for 34 years and was, among other things, a strong defender of the First Amendment and opponent of racial segregation, as reflected in his work in support of the landmark Brown v. Board of Education which outlawed racial segregation of the public schools. Parker's post-Moore career has been marked by controversy following revelations of his ties to neo-confederate groups and his publicly stated belief that state courts have the right to defy federal court decisions. His peculiar line of argument, the notion of "interpostition," has roots in the states rights based argument against federal court ordered desegregation. For his views on defiance of federal courts, among other things, he received an award from the theocratic education organization, Vision Forum, headed by Christian Reconsructionist thinker, Doug Phillips.
Parker's campaign is of a piece with the far right's attack on the judiciary. As a matter of fact, Parker introduced Roy Moore on the occasion of his speech at the 2005 "Confronting the Judicial War on Faith Conference" in Washington, DC. Parker is so closely tied to Moore and all that he represents, that he even posted his remarks in introducing Moore on his campaign web site. He wrote in part: On the day that he was removed from office by the Court of the Judiciary for his faithfulness to his oath to support the Constitution instead of an unlawful order of a federal judge, I handed him a scripture verse that I had written out for him the night before:
Roy Moore Protege Attacks Legacy of Hugo Black | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
Roy Moore Protege Attacks Legacy of Hugo Black | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)