Hostility Toward Minority Faiths Increasing
Today's Ethics Daily has posted a report about a Jewish family in Delaware that had to sell their home of eighteen years and move from their community because they were being threatened after filing suit for complaining about the promotion of Christianity in the public schools. Either the First Amendment prohibits the government from establishing religion or it doesn't. Increasingly, it appears that it doesn't. Either persons of minority faiths have equal rights under the Constitution in this country or they don't. Increasingly, it appears that they don't.
The Dominionist Christians who think they are defending their faith by persecuting persons of other faiths are certainly reclaiming a heritage. At the current pace that the clock is being rolled back on civil liberties in America, it won't be long before we read anew about Jews being herded into box cars and Wiccans being burned at the stake.
Hostility Toward Minority Faiths Increasing | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)
Hostility Toward Minority Faiths Increasing | 3 comments (3 topical, 0 hidden)