The End of a Beautiful Friendship? Values Voters Reject National GOP Frontrunner Giuliani
Ali Gharib printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Oct 25, 2007 at 03:29:59 PM EST
We are pleased to welcome Ali Gharib as a guest front pager. He is an Iranian-American who recently received a masters degree from the London School of Economics and Political Science. He writes for, among other outlets, IPS (Inter Press News Service) and AlterNet. -- FC

WASHINGTON There are cracks showing in the armor of the political coalition that brought you the Reagan-Bush era of dominance at the highest level of governments.

At the Values Voter Summit’s Washington Briefing 2007 all of the Republican presidential candidates were given time try to win the support of a crowd of several thousand faithful adherents of the Religious Right movement.

At the Values Voter Summit’s Washington Briefing 2007 all of the Republican presidential candidates were given time try to win the support of a crowd of several thousand faithful adherents of the Religious Right movement.

The conference, organized by the Family Research Council, the political lobbying wing of child-psychologist Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, gathered evangelical groups and individuals from around the country to rally them to the anti-abortion and anti-gay marriage causes and hear speeches from the candidates.

The movement has failed to coalesce around any one potential nominee yet and the prospect of them splinteri