Christian Right's Distress Over Transgender Youth Hits Fever Pitch
The "Dear Colleague Letter on Transgender Students" issued by the U.S. Department of Justice, Civil Rights Division, on May 13, stated: "Schools across the country strive to create and sustain inclusive, supportive, safe, and nondiscriminatory communities for all students. In recent years, we have received an increasing number of questions from parents, teachers, principals, and school superintendents about civil rights protections for transgender students. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (Title IX) and its implementing regulations prohibit sex discrimination in educational programs and activities operated by recipients of Federal financial assistance.1 This prohibition encompasses discrimination based on a student's gender identity, including discrimination based on a student's transgender status. This letter summarizes a school's Title IX obligations regarding transgender students and explains how the U.S. Department of Education (ED) and the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) evaluate a school's compliance with these obligations" (
5-title-ix-transgender.pdf). The 8-page letter is considered "significant guidance," which means it "does not add requirements to applicable law, but provides information and examples to inform recipients about how the Departments evaluate whether covered entities are complying with their legal obligations." It also provides definitions of terms that have confused administrators and the general public, including:
Christian Right leaders respond "President Obama has once again demonstrated his resolute commitment to this radical social reengineering, based around sexual deviancy and gender identity, by practically sending off an extortion letter to all of the United States' public schools, including colleges, universities, high schools, elementary and middle schools," said Abraham Hamilton III, of the American Family Association. "[Lawsuits will be filed], but many of these challenges will be lodged in district courts that are stacked with Obama appointees - and if not district courts, many of the appellate courts are stacked as well," Hamilton added. "So of course we must be vigilant in challenging things legally, but ultimately people need to be prepared for the real prospect that this could end up in your local schools." Gary Bauer, of Campaign for Working Families maintained that "The overwhelming amount of federal aid to local public schools goes to the school districts because of disadvantaged children - and those funds often are aimed at minority communities. So the President of the United States and the attorney general are holding hostage low-income, minority children getting the aid they need to close the educational gap - and they're doing that on behalf of basically the gay rights movement and their transgender ally. Bauer implored "Every African-American pastor in America ought to be at the pulpit this Sunday condemning this administration for putting the needs of low-income, minority children after the demands of this strange lobbying group that wants to turn human nature and common sense upside down." "It's essentially a coup, a leftist coup of local schools - and parents and communities and states need to stand up against this," said Linda Harvey of Mission America." I do hope that Congress acts. We need to stop it somehow, whether it's a taxpayer lawsuit; a mass, class-action lawsuit - I don't know if that kind of thing is allowable; impeachment proceedings; or some other fashion. Maybe it's simply ignoring him because no law backs this up - there is no law that backs up what he's doing." Longtime conservative activist Randy Thomasson, of, linked Obama's directive to culture war battle of the past forty years. ""From Harvey Milk sexual indoctrination this month, to teaching kids throughout the year that homosexuality, bisexuality, transsexuality, and teen fornication are good and natural and maybe even for them - the only way to protect your children from this harm is to permanently remove them from government schools, and to either enroll them in solid church schools or do homeschooling. Rescue your precious boys and girls while you still can. "We know that public schools have been dumbing down kids for a long time, but if school administrators think they have to submit to this bully tactic, it shows they've either dumbed themselves down or are purposefully deceiving parents once again."
Christian Right's Distress Over Transgender Youth Hits Fever Pitch | 46 comments (46 topical, 0 hidden)