Christian Right's Narrative Incomplete
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Thu Apr 06, 2006 at 05:07:34 PM EST
Elizabeth Castelli has written an informative article about the recent "War on Christians" conference in Washington, D.C.

She begins with a broad outline of the Christian Right's "traditionalist, triumphalist historical narrative" about the role of America in God's "providence."

I would like to add a footnote to her paragraph about the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
Castelli writes:

Several interlocking narratives and rhetorics are at work in the Vision America program. One critical piece of the puzzle is a traditionalist, triumphalist historical narrative in which the United States was given to Christians by God to establish a providential nation based on biblical precepts. (No apologies -- nor even passing reference -- to the land's prior occupants.) Founded as a city upon a hill (the oft-repeated image deriving from John Winthrop's 1630 shipboard speech to the English colonists he was bringing to the new world) and as a refuge for puritans escaping religious persecution, "America was not an accident," as one speaker at the conference put it.