Politicizing Churches : Full Court Press
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Sep 28, 2006 at 07:42:17 PM EST
At the 2006 Voter Values Summit last weekend, I listened as US Oklahoma Senator James Inhofe called Global Warming a UN conspiracy, and a hoax, and then urged conference goers to join the Interfaith Stewardship Alliance and bring the issue to their churches - even petition their church's  parent affiliations. Meanwhile, in a concurrent breakout session, Paul Weyrich protege Connie Marshner was advocating a (quite possibly illegal) plan for activists in attendance to purloin church directories, for fake polling, to better target '06 GOTV efforts ( Rob Boston, writing for Americans United, describes the incident ). But today, as described in an Interfaith Alliance press release, James Inhofe has upped the ante with his submission of S. 3957:
Inhofe's bill, S. 3957, would amend the IRS Code to allow houses of worship to endorse candidates from the pulpit and engage in partisan political activity without harming their tax-exempt status

A full court GOP press, to lock in theocratic legislation in anticipation of possible '06 Democratic Party gains, appears to be underway.