A Religious Revival and the Politics of Nunavut
Richard Bartholomew printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Sep 04, 2006 at 06:44:36 PM EST
With help from the Promise Keepers and missionaries, a Pentecostal Inuit politician and activist has been pushing for "Christian values" in northern Quebec.
Severe damage to ancient petroglyphs on the island of Qajartalik in Northern Canada has brought attention to a neo-Pentecostal revival which has reportedly been making great inroads among the Inuit of Quebec; the archaeologist who discovered the vandalism, Daniel Gendron, was originally reported as believing that the damage
follows the pattern of previous attacks by members of what he called "a very strong movement" of conservative Christians in Kangiqsujuaq and several other Inuit communities in northern Quebec.

Residents of Kangiqsujuaq dispute the accusation, and Gendron himself has since claimed that he was misquoted. However, the dramatic influence of the revival is not in question - Christian sources claim that while a few years ago 90% of the town's adults were alcoholics, today 90% are "born again".

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