New Report Documents Activities of Spiritual Warfare Network Tied to Palin
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Oct 29, 2008 at 11:07:23 PM EST
Palin's Churches and the Third Wave Series

Sarah Palin thanked prayer warriors across the nation during her  interview last week with James Dobson.  She has been publicly anointed by Thomas Muthee, an international leader in spiritual warfare. Muthee starred in the Transformations videos, teaching tools for spiritual mapping and spiritual warfare viewed worldwide.  Apostles of the Spiritual Warfare Network, now called the United States Global Apostolic Prayer Network, have claimed Palin as one of their own.  Next week she could possibly become the Vice President Elect of the United States.

What is spiritual mapping and spiritual warfare, and who are these prayer warriors of the US Global Apostolic Prayer Network and the Transformations videos?  What is the impact of spiritual warfare for those who do not belong to this movement? The researchers who worked on the articles in the series Palin's Churches and the Third Wave, have compiled a report to answer these questions, including who and what the prayer warriors are fighting against, and how they are using the ideas of the Transformation videos to bring this fight to your community. The report is titled "Spiritual Mapping and Spiritual Warfare - Muthee and the Transformations Franchise," and includes more than one hundred links to sources.

A PDF file version of the full report is available at this link or this link.
Link to Part One and Part Two on the site.
Continuing reading for a preview.

The report documents numerous activities of these spiritual warfare networks including:

-Description of their battles against the major demon, the Queen of Heaven, that they believe prevents Roman Catholics from being evangelized

-Declaration against the major axis of evil that they believe resides in the Israeli Supreme Court and Knesset

-Spiritual warfare excursions to attack these major demons, with one excursion in the Himalayas reported as having perhaps helped kill Mother Theresa

-Spiritual warfare campaigns in Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Uganda, Kenya, and more

-Spiritual mapping to locate demon strongholds in locations including Jerusalem, Strasbourg, Pittsburgh, University of Texas, Chennai, India and more

-Apostle led emergency services with Homeland Security and FEMA partnerships

-Prophecy and prayer based policing, suicide prevention, and other social services

-Spiritual mapping of demon strongholds at major monuments and buildings in the U.S.

-Conventions on "wealth transfer" and "wealth release" to plan for the money that the prayer warriors expect to get from Satan and the ungodly

-The repentance of generational curses to help evangelize Native Americans, Jews, and Muslims

-National political figures on phone calls and at conferences with New Apostolics to discuss converting Jews, ending droughts

-Strategic outlines for taking control of society and government in Austin, Texas and other communities

-Prophecy chants used to try to affect the outcome of the election

Additionally the report examines the major leaders with direct ties to Palin.

-Why Thomas Muthee is internationally known for spiritual warfare and his role in the video series that has been advertised as viewed by 200 million people worldwide in 70 languages

-The significance of Muthee's anointing of Palin

-The spiritual warfare activities of Apostle Mary Glazier, Alaska coordinator of the US Global Apostolic network, leading Prophet and member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders

Glazier has claimed Palin was part of her network, and this has been confirmed by two other Apostles in the network, one published in a New York Times article on October 24. Lee Grady, editor of Charisma magazine confirmed that Glazier had told him of Palin's participation in her network. He complained about the portrayal of Palin's beliefs as bizarre or scary but failed to volunteer that he is also an Apostle in the same network. (Link here to the International Coalition of Apostles members list.) The other Apostle confirming the relationship, Jan Torp of Norway, was with the Convening Apostle, C. Peter Wagner, when Palin was named as the V.P. candidate. Glazier has also released worl