Short Takes
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Fri Nov 14, 2008 at 04:31:13 PM EST
Mother Jones features a photo essay of students from Patrick Henry College -- which was founded by Religious Right leader Michael Farris as higher ed for the homeschooled.

Street Prophets: Pastordan fingers a Hierowanker.

Washington Post:  E.J. Dionne, like other confused Washington Insiders, argues that the best way for Obama to find common ground on abortion is to capitulate to the demands of religious right anti-abortion activists.  Dionne says he should not betray his prolife supporters -- and betray his pro-choice supporters instead. Dionne says Obama should govern as the "cultural moderate he promised to be. He should not lose his chance to make cultural warfare a quaint relic of the past." Apparently Dionne did not read the major news accounts of the Catholic Bishops meeting in Baltimore where fresh antiabortion attacks on Obama and Dionne-endorsed common grounders were launched -- with the promise of more to come.

Associated Press:

BALTIMORE - The nation's Roman Catholic bishops vowed Tuesday to forcefully confront the Obama administration over its support for abortion rights, saying the church and religious freedom could be under attack in the new presidential administration.

In an impassioned discussion on Catholics in public life, several bishops