Conspiracy as Prophecy
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Jun 12, 2009 at 03:58:13 PM EST
[ed: this story continues in part two, Col. Jim Ammerman, Apostle & New World Order Conspiracy Theorist]

What is New World Order conspiracy theory and how is it spreading through our society?

A few weeks ago I spoke at an event sponsored by one of the local chapters of the American Jewish Committee and emphasized the growing dangers of New World Order Conspiracy theories.  Included in my presentation were video clips and examples of the rapid mainstreaming of this conspiracy storyline.  However, my presentation was not focused on white supremacist groups but Christian Zionist leaders who freely and openly disseminate this paranoid conspiracy to millions worldwide in the guise of end times prophecy.  

The press is focusing on the manifestations of hatred by white supremacist groups as opposed to the narrative through which they teach their hateful obsession with Jews. This "New World Order" narrative, as well as the process through which this narrative is transmitted to others, is an important part of understanding the growing epidemic of paranoid conspiracy theories.   The narrative is not just about indulging in hatred of "the other" but a cohesive storyline about the battle between good and evil in society.  This narrative can be disseminated in religious or secular versions, and can be told in an anti-Semitic or "philo-Semitic" millennial frame.  But the basic storyline of world control by an interconnected and demonic cabal remains the same.  Understanding this narrative can help to explain a question that numerous commentators posed this week, as they wondered why the election of our first African American president could bring about an increase in anti-Semitic violence.

This is not an attempt to compare Christian Zionists to white supremacists, but to address a question brought to the attention of the public through recent shootings by paranoid conspiracy believers.  What is New World Order conspiracy and how is this conspiracy theory growing so rapidly in our society?  Even with the internet, white supremacists have a limited audience due to their overt hatemongering.  James von Brunn's writing, for example, could only appeal to someone who is already an overt anti-Semite and racist.  So, how does this New World Order narrative reached a much larger audience?  Is this nation filled with latent anti-Semites?

I do not believe that.  I think that millions of the people exposed to this New World Order conspiracy are well intentioned and are being drawn into this paranoid conspiracy in the name of defending all that is holy and good from an attack by demonic forces.  This is why it is so important to look at the parallels of the New World Order conspiracy theory narrative and not just its current manifestations.  This includes looking at the remarkable similarities between the New World Order conspiracy of white supremacist groups and that of Christian Zionist end times prophecy, however unpopular this may be.  And we need to look now, while well intentioned Americans can learn where this conspiracy originated and where it leads.  It is too late to pretend that it is only flourishing with white supremacists.

While it may sound counterintuitive that Christian Zionists would embrace the same basic narrative as overtly anti-Semitic white supremacist groups, the storylines are indeed parallel and sometimes almost identical.  Both anti-Semitic and philo-Semitic versions of the narrative are increasingly being marketed side by side and even from the same organizations.  One compelling example is The Prophecy Club where people claiming to be Christian Zionists, some even pictured in tallitot,  market their products on the same website and participate in the same speaking tours as known anti-Semitic writers. These include Fritz Springmeier, author of the 13 Bloodlines of the Illuminati, and Texe Marrs.   All of it is marketed as prophecy.  The Prophecy Club is the original source of many hundreds of online videos about the New World Order conspiracy theory, some of it quite virulently anti-Semitic.

Millennial philo-Semitism is an obsession with the role that Jews are required to play to bring about the end times.  An irrational obsession with Jews as supernaturally controlling the destiny of the world is dangerous, regardless of how it is framed, even when it comes cloaked as "pro-Israel" Christian Zionism.  

What is New World Order conspiracy?

This conspiracy theory is a well defined narrative in which a satanic cabal controls the world through the manipulation of the financial markets, and intentionally orchestrates the destruction of Christian society.  Depending on the speaker, this may be a reference specifically to white Christian society, but today this is often not the case.  This narrative is indeed a prominent feature of racial supremacists; however, the conspiracy is increasingly being made accessible for people of different race, ethnicity, and nationality, and is rapidly becoming an international phenomenon based on religious supremacy.  The terminology parallels that of racism with ideas of "spiritual DNA" or DNA that has entered the societ