Denver, Keep Fighting and Educating About CUFI
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Nov 16, 2010 at 08:47:09 AM EST
Following are video links and other resources used in my presentations given in Denver this past week about the dangers of partnering with CUFI.

The Colorado Allied Jewish Federation had scheduled John Hagee to speak at a major fundraiser in Denver on November 21, but there was an outcry from the local Jewish community and the invitation was withdrawn.  The backlash was immediate.  Articles accused those Jews who objected to Hagee's invitation as choosing support for progressive social values over support of Israel.  The head of the Houston Jewish Federation claimed that liberal Jews "would rather save spotted owls than stand tall for Israel."  David Brog, the Jewish executive of John Hagee's Christians United for Israel (CUFI) who promotes the organization to Jewish communities around the nation, is now scheduled to speak at the event in place of Hagee.  

I've just returned from Denver, where I spoke both publicly and privately, to Jews and Christians, about the many reasons why this partnership is dangerous to Jews and to Israel's prospects for peace, and a problem for healthy interfaith relations.  Following are some of the resources used in my presentations.