Camouflaging a Christian Nationalist Worldview Behind a "Pro-Israel" Facade
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Apr 13, 2010 at 07:41:34 PM EST
While the nation is fixated on the racist statements and misspelled signs at Tea Party events, there is a simultaneous movement working to bring together a multi-racial, multi-ethnic, multi-national, and even multi-religious coalition, in an aggressive effort to "reform" America to conform with their biblical worldview.

On April 15-16 the Freedom Federation, a recent coalition of Religious Right organizations, will be holding a conference at Liberty University titled The Awakening 2010.  The event could be described as Religious Right activists - White, Hispanic, Asian, and African American, coming together to embrace a John Birch Society worldview to the tunes of Hebrew melodies.  It may sound unlikely, but the "pro-Israel" agenda is the camouflage that provides cover for this explicitly Christian nationalist movement.

This  gathering of Religious Right leaders features familiar faces and familiar themes such as opposition to gay rights and reproductive rights.  But the overall  theme of the organization is reforming American government.  The Freedom Federation includes established Religious Right organizations including the Family Research Council, Traditional Values Coalition, Eagle Forum, Concerned Women of America, and Wallbuilders, but notable is the inclusion of many organizations from the independent charismatic wing of the Religious Right which has been organized and streamlined under the auspices of C. Peter Wagner's New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and its apostles and prophets.  These include Lou Engle's "The Call," Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries and Oak Initiative, Strang Communications, Cindy Jacobs' Generals International, and Che Ahn's Harvest International.  

The conference is going to include the unveiling of a new social networking technology platform which will advance the communication network concepts already developed by the leadership of the NAR.  Their religious/political networks are used to disseminate prophecy and link their prayer warriors in all fifty states and around the world.  The NAR "Spiritual Warfare" networks fall under the authority of Cindy Jacobs and Dutch Sheets.  Scroll down the page Resource Directory for the New Apostolic Reformation to the Spiritual Warfare Networks section.  This directory can always be accessed in the left panel of Talk2action.

The roster for the conference includes NAR prophet Lou Engle who called for martyrs for the anti-gay and anti-abortion cause at his "The Call" event at Qualcomm Stadium in November 2008.   Engle has held "The Call" events throughout the U.S. and around the globe, including one in Jerusalem in 2008 which corresponded with the Global Day of Prayer, an event founded by New Apostolic leader Graham Power. Engle will be hosting "The Call" in Uganda on May 2, 2010, a nation where the NAR has promoted draconian anti-gay legislation.

Also on the roster are other New Apostolic leaders including Rick Joyner, head of MorningStar Ministries and the Oak Initiative.  Joyner has been one of the leaders in the battle against health care reform and advertises his contacts with Sarah Palin and Michelle Bachmann.  His Oak Initiative page includes videos which demonstrate the worldview and goals of the organization.  At the bottom of the page is a video titled The Proper View of Capitalism.  This is a segment of a film titled "Overview of America" produced by the John Birch Society.    

If you want to understand the driving philosophy behind the Freedom Federation, the John Birch Society is a good place to start, but with a significant twist.  The Freedom Federation is staunchly "pro-Israel" and Christian Zionist.

Link to Part Two of "Camouflaging a Christian Nationalist Worldview Behind a Pro-Israel Facade."
