Dan Schultz's New Book Gets Oppenheimered
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Aug 08, 2010 at 02:23:09 PM EST
The responses to something new and different can be as interesting as the new and different thing itself. Even the best of us sometimes have difficulty with new ideas, fresh approaches, and especially anything that challenges certain Conventional Wisdoms.  Thanks to the invention of writing, we can see this play out when books and articles that question status quo thinking cause cognitive dissonance among the gate keepers. The intellectual debris left in the wake of such dissonance-induced crashes have much to teach us about the way things are and the nature of struggles that lie ahead.  

I have had a ringside seat to such a still unfolding response first to the 2008 book I edited, Dispatches from the Religious Left: The Future of Faith and Politics in America, and now the just-published Changing the Script: An Authentically Faithful and Authentically Progressive Political Theology for the 21st Century, by Daniel Schultz. (AKA around the blogosphere as pastordan, who was one of the original front pagers here at Talk to Action.)
