Sarah Palin's 'Witchcraft Problem' Is Bigger Than Christine O'Donnell's 'Witchcraft Problem'
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Sep 21, 2010 at 10:44:31 AM EST
Witchcraft? Sarah Palin's got her own "witch problem" - her friends hunt them.

Unlike Delaware Republican candidate for Senate Christian O'Donnell, Sarah Palin didn't "dabble in witchcraft." Rather, Palin has been friends with two avowed witch hunters who advocate that charismatic born-again Christians should "infiltrate" government and cleanse "the land" of unbelievers.  

Palin's witch hunter #1

In October 2005, as she was launching her bid to be Alaska governor, Sarah Palin was prayed over and blessed by Kenyan evangelist Thomas Muthee, who called upon God [video link] to protect Palin against "every spirit of witchcraft".

Video of the event, below, shows Muthee giving a speech, at Palin's longtime church the Wasilla Assembly of God, in which he calls on charismatic Christians to "infiltrate" seven major sectors of society including government, business, media, and education. The ceremony was the culmination of Muthee's weeklong guest pastor appearance at the church.

It wasn't Muthee's first visit to the Wasilla Assembly of God, which Palin had attended for over two decades since she was born-again at the church as a teenager. In 1999 the church invited Thomas Muthee to Alaska beca