TheCall Detroit Participants Deny That Event is About Demonization of Muslims and Others
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Nov 04, 2011 at 04:08:54 PM EST
"We need the harvest of the Muslim people.  We can't just sit by and let them continue the on the way they are, worshipping their false god."
-- April 11, 2011 conference call in preparation for TheCall Detroit

For well over a year, preparations for TheCall Detroit have included speeches and media about fighting the "demonic strongholds" of Islam and freemasonry.  NAR apostles and prophets have traveled to Michigan from all over the country and participated in conference calls to explain their preparations for "spiritual warfare" against Islam, as I reported in Dome Magazine.  But now, as concerned Muslim leaders speak out, the Detroit journalists are being told that the event has absolutely nothing to do with Islam.  It's simply about Christians getting together to pray for Detroit. "The event has no agenda against Muslims," stated one participating pastor.  What TheCall events and NAR apostles do is to provide scapegoats for the reason communities have hardships, and diversion from addressing the root of societal problems. According to the event's organizers, Michigan has problems because demons have been let in through freemasonry, Islam, abortion and homosexuality. Removal of the demons is promised to create a utopia that will be a model to the other cities and states.

[Author’s note 11/8/11: Audio of segments of the conference calls has been posted at