Betsy DeVos Announces PA Governor Tom Corbett Will Keynote Pro-Voucher National Policy Summit
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Apr 26, 2011 at 11:21:52 AM EST
Vote on SB-1 could take place in the Pennsylvania Senate as early as today. [Author's Note 4/27/11: The vote did not take place! Apparently there was not enough support in the PA Senate as of yesterday for the bill to pass. Please help to get the reports - Part One and Part Two - on the astroturfing campaign behind this and other state voucher bills, to your local educators, legislators, and journalists.]

Betsy DeVos and American Federation for Children (AFC) announced yesterday that new Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett (R) will be the keynote speaker for their National Policy Summit on May 9.  AFC is at the center of funding and promotion of school voucher bills, which allow public school dollars to be used to fund private and religious school students.  This is a nationwide campaign which parallels the Koch-funded war on unions. American's United's Rob Boston has described AFC and the DeVos-led crusade as a  "deceptive behind-the-scenes war on public schools and separation of church and state."  Nevertheless, the vote in the PA Senate could take place as early as today, and Pennsylvanians may lose this battle to the small, but heavily-funded, pro-voucher camp.