Critics of dominionism no longer welcome at American Family Association
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Fri Sep 30, 2011 at 05:27:25 PM EST

We all know that the liberal blogosphere, as well as the mainstream media, has turned the hot lights on the fascist brand of Christianity known as the New Apostolic Reformation.  Well, several Christian conservatives aren't too keen on it either.  Among them is Brannon Howse of Worldview Weekend, who has spoken out at least twice about his concerns that the NAR is promoting false teaching.  Now, Warren Throckmorton of Religion Dispatches reports that the American Family Association has issued an ultimatum--if you partner with Howse, you'll lose your slot on American Family Radio.

Earlier this week, Jim Stanley, program director of AFA’s radio network, American Family Radio, sent notices to two talk show hosts who are associated with Howse, informing them that continued presence on the AFA’s radio network was conditioned on severing ties with Howse.

The talk show hosts, John Loeffler and Todd Friel, have shows aired by American Family Radio and also speak at Howse sponsored events. According to Tim Wildmon, president of the AFA, “we identified two people with programs on our networks and told them, ’you have to make a choice.’” In defense of the move, Wildmon said “AFR is under no obligation to run programs of individuals who are going to help Brannon when he is attacking our friends. We make programming decisions all the time.”

Howse has been very critical of the AF