New SC Poll: Romney 23, Gingrich 21, Santorum 14, as Religious Right Leaders Meet in Texas to Unite
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jan 12, 2012 at 04:45:46 PM EST
In order to avoid a repeat of 2008, Religious Right leaders made an unprecedented show of unity behind Rick Perry's "non-partisan" prayer rally in Houston on August 6. One week later, while other candidates were involved in the Ames Straw Poll in Iowa, Perry announced his candidacy from Charleston, South Carolina. The latest poll, taken January 11, shows Perry with only 5 percent support for the January 21 South Carolina primary.

Can right-wing evangelical leaders unite in a last-ditch effort to nominate anybody but Romney? Which candidate would it be?

Following the Iowa Caucus, it looked like Rick Santorum might be the logical choice as a consensus candidate. But the latest poll in South Carolina shows Newt Gingrich, not Santorum, gaining ground against Romney. Gingrich has also demonstrated the ability to attract large sums of Super PAC funding, which is proving to be critical as millions are being spent on advertising in early primary states. The Gingrich-supporting Winning our Future Super PAC has  drawn national attention with its video about Romney's role with Bain Capital Private Equity.

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