New Apostolic Prayer Guide Attacks California Labor Unions, Prepares for Election 2012
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Mar 01, 2012 at 01:09:44 PM EST
The New Apostolic Reformation has prayer warrior networks in all 50 states under the authority of several apostles including Cindy Jacobs, who heads the U.S. Reformation Prayer Network (RPN). RPN is producing prayer guides for each state as part of the "FastForward" initiative to impact the 2012 election.  The California FastForward Prayer Guide is now available and openly attacks the state's labor unions.
There is no question that the NAR apostles are promoting "Biblical economics" as part of their Dominionist agenda. The prayer warrior networks also disseminate David Barton's  Christian Nationalist history, which includes claims that the Bible prohibits certain taxes and that Jesus opposed the minimum wage.

The 2012 California prayer guide includes the the kind of open warfare on unions that is typical of Christian Reconstructionist Gary North, who has been attacking unions for for more than three decades. In 2011, the `Biblical economics' taught by Gary North was the topic of an article in the New York Times titled "Christian Economics Meets the Anti-Union Movement."

The prayer guide lists the largest unions in California:

SEIU - Service Employees International Union
AFSCME - American Federal, State county, Municipal Employees
CCPOA - California Correctional Peace Officers Association
CTA - California Teachers Association
CFT - California Federation of Teachers
CNA - California Nurses Alliance
UNAC/UHCP - United Nurses Associations of California/Union of Healthcare Professionals

This list is followed by a "Pray in Faith and Declaration" that includes:

-That financial contributions of unions intended to manipulate the voice of the vote would be shut up and shut down

-That God will break the power and control of these unions off of our California government

-That the financial contributions given by unions to influence the vote will be rerouted for righteousness sake in this upcoming election

-That union members can break free of the entrapment of the unions political pressure

I've seen numerous examples of hostility toward unions from NAR leaders, but this is more blatant than most. It's also interesting to see how much emphasis is put on the unions.  This guide is typical of the ones promoted by the NAR prayer warrior networks, divided into sections according to issues related to each of the "Seven Mountains."  

The Seven Mountains is a mandate is to take dominion over: arts, business, education, family, government, media, and religion.  The anti-union prayers are in the Economy/Business section. Other prayers follow under the headings of Family and Government.

The California Prayer Guide  2011 included a section for each of the Seven Mountains.  This guide also included one anti-union prayer point under the subheading of Business.

The California Fast Forward guide was prepared by Vicki Nohrden, the Apostolic Coordinator for the state of California.  She is also the Western States Apostolic Regional Leader for Region 12.  Nohrden is under the apostolic authority of Cindy Jacobs (RPN) and John Benefiel, head of the Heartland Apostolic Network.  

California has a number of overlapping apostolic and prophetic prayer initiatives including Pray California, California Canopy of Prayer, the California Listening Team and LIFT California.  

The Local Precinct LIFT Strategy includes mobilization by precinct.  Training is provided for building local precinct teams with a goal of an "activation team" of four individuals per precinct.  

The Local Precinct Captain is to meet weekly with team members, maintain demographics, and formulate get out the vote efforts.

The Precinct Activator administrates a 15-block area.

The Local Precinct Prayer Coordinator has a list of tasks including praying over the precinct map.  

The Precinct Prayer Strategy includes knocking on doors and inviting neighbors to local prayer rallies.  The Precinct LIFT Communicator sends out periodical mailings and emails and gathers local survey information and statistics.

The instructions continue,
"Consider your adopted precinct as your Mission Field."

The LIFT California website links to the Pacific Justice Institute "How We Can Help You" page. One of the subheadings is "Unions" followed by,
"Equip religious objectors to have their union dues go to a charity of their choice."
The California Listening Team, LIFT California, and other prayer initiatives sponsored the Rose Bowl Gathering 11/11/11 event that was held at the same time as TheCall Detroit.  The event featured Apostle Bill Hamon, member of the ICA Apostolic Council and head of the Christian International Ministries network.  Vicki Nohrden led participants in prayer for the Prop 8 battle and for abortio