Louisiana Voucher Students Headed to Schools using A Beka, Bob Jones, and ACE Curricula [Video]
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jun 11, 2012 at 10:25:21 AM EST
Students will be taught that humans and dinosaurs walked on earth together, and this instruction will be paid for with public funds.  How do we know this?

Photobucket Some Louisiana students receiving publicly funded vouchers and attending private schools in 2012-2013 will be taught from educational media promoting young earth creationism, global warming denial, history that is not factual, and bigotry toward Catholicism, Mormonism, other Protestants, and non-Christian religions.  This is predictable because some of the schools that are on the approved list to receive voucher students use curriculum from  A Beka Books, Bob Jones University Press, and Accelerated Christian Education (ACE). Public funding of the teaching of creationism is already happening in Pennsylvania, Florida, and other states with "private school choice" programs.  The following 8-minute video provides a window into what these students are being taught. [Graphic above right is title of a chapter on creationism from an A Beka Science textbook.]

This video below is an 8-minute excerpt on the content of A Beka and Bob Jones University Press textbooks. The excerpt is from a 35-minu