David Barton Henchman Afraid to Accept My Acceptance to His Challenge (UPDATED)
Update [2012-8-14 14:3:50 by Chris Rodda]: Rick Green has posted my comment!!!
I'm not sure how much background I even need to give here. By now everybody knows that David Barton's big best-seller The Jefferson Lies has been yanked by the publisher, Thomas Nelson, and most people know that as part of trying to save his face, Barton seems to be relying on his radio co-host Rick Green.
On Saturday, as part of his Barton face saving, Green posted a public challenge on his own website (rickgreen.com) for anyone to step up and prove that there are lies in Barton's book. I immediately attempted to accept this challenge in a comment on Green's post, but Green would not post my comment and acknowledge that I had accepted his challenge. Instead, after pressure from my "minions," Green posted a second post on his website -- a most un-Christian personal attack on me.
As all of this was going on, I was updating people on my blog over at FreethoughtBlogs. I want to post everything over here, too, since Talk2Action was the place where I first began blogging about Barton over five years ago. It appears that a showdown of sorts may be looming, and I can't not post about that here where it began!
So, below the fold are my four posts from Saturday night into Sunday morning that I should have posted here much sooner than this!
For the latest update, see today's article by my good friend (and "queen of the interwebs") Deborah Beeksma over at GodDiscussion.com, who has been working around the clock with me for the last few days in our attempt to force Rick Green to accept my acceptance of his challenge.
My posts from FreethoughtBlogs:
Barton Radio Co-Host Issues Challenge; I've Accepted
August 11, 2012 at 5:08 pm
OK ... I want this spread FAR and WIDE!
Rick Green of WallBuilders, David Barton's radio show co-host, posted a post on his website saying: "If you can show me specifics that back up the image created by the critics innuendo, I'll post it right here for the world to see."
Link to Rick Green's post: http://www.rickgreen.com/attacks-on-david-barton-same-as-tactics-
I just posted a comment on Rick Green's post accepting his challenge, which, as you can see in the image below, is currently "awaiting moderation." I want it known EVERYWHERE that I accepted Green's challenge.
Anyone who can help spread this through social media, other blogs, etc., please do it. Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: Rick Green has clearly been on his blog post since I submitted my comment, shown by the screen capture below of him responding to another comment. So there is no question that he has seen my comment, but it has not yet been approved and posted.
Barton's Minion Rick Green Responds -- Sort Of
August 12, 2012 at 12:36 am
Deborah Beeksma of God Discussion posted a little post on her blog about Barton's radio co-host Rick Green not approving my comment on his blog post. Deborah's post is now #1 on Google News if you search on David Barton.
Apparently this caused a bit of discomfort for Mr. Green, who posted the following status update on his Facebook page. Mr. Green has apparently also been visiting my Facebook page, where my minions lurk. I don't have minions anywhere else.
Anyone tweeting about this topic, use #DavidBartonChallenge.
This is Rick Green's Promised Response to My Acceptance of His Challenge?
August 12, 2012 at 2:30 am
David Barton's minion Rick Green has not posted my comment on his earlier blog post accepting his challenge to show specifics proving that Barton is a liar, and it doesn't appear that he is going to. Instead, he has written a second post.
Here's Green's reason for not posting my comment accepting his challenge:
"I'm not going to post ridiculous, unrelated, illogical ramblings, but I will gladly post legitimate questions of research or challenges to any point made in the Jefferson book."
Here is my (still awaiting moderation) comment that Green is calling "ridiculous, unrelated, illogical ramblings."
Why are David Barton and Rick Green so afraid to let people see my book?
Will Barton's Minion Rick Green "Have Time" to Post to this Comment?
August 12, 2012 at 4:20 am
I have just submitted a second comment to Barton's mouthpiece Rick Green, this one giving one specific example of a lie in Barton's book. This is precisely what Mr. Green asked for. From his second post:
"I'm still looking for specific examples. I'm not going to post ridiculous, unrelated, illogical ramblings, but I will gladly post legitimate questions of research or challenges to any point made in the Jefferson book. I know I will not have time to respond to every single one, but will do my best."
But, as you can see in how he worded this paragraph from his second post, Mr. Green has kind of left himself a loophole, no doubt anticipating that I would do exactly what I just did. His loophole? He "knows" he will "not have time to respond to every single one." Whadaya wanna bet that mine is one of the ones that he "won't have time" to respond to? But, he doesn't have to respond to it. I just want him to post it, and that only takes the time to click a button.
Here's a screen capture of the comment I just submitted:
To keep up with the latest updates as things unfold further, come visit my Facebook page (where my minions hang out annoying Rick Green).