A Talk to Action Anthology on Neo-Confederacy, Nullification and Secession (Updated)
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Aug 04, 2014 at 10:54:44 PM EST
A number of posts over the past year have addressed the growing Neo-Confederate movement, the advocacy of nullification of federal laws, and even the secession of states from the union.  Below is an anthology of about 30 posts -- a list that we will continue to update from time-to-time. -- FC

Ron Paul Curriculum Launched by Reconstructionist Gary North and Neo-Confederate Thomas Woods
by Rachel Tabachnick   April 9, 2013

Thomas E. Woods, Jr. and the Neo-Confederate Catholic Right
by Frank Cocozzelli   May 1, 2013

Why Nullification Matters
by Frank Cocozzelli   May 12, 2013

Refuting Nullification, Part One
by Frank Cocozzelli   May 19, 2013

Refuting Nullification, Part Two
by Frank Cocozzelli   June 1, 2013