Abbott and Jade Helm 15
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Tue May 12, 2015 at 10:40:16 AM EST
The other day I stopped by Wal- Mart to pick up my medications.  Later on that day we heard a strange rumor that the super store was closing tomorrow.  Thinking it some strange gossip, few took it seriously until it hit the airways.  The store, with over 400 employees was closing until after Christmas.  The employees were not told until the day of the closing.  Rumor mills began waving all types of conspiracy banners.  One that gained a lot of momentum  was the idea this was connected with Jade Helm 15 and the store would be revamped to incarcerate Christians.
     Conspiracy theorists, often connected with apocalyptic  venues, have had a hey day with the Jade Helm 15 conspiracy.  The conspiracy is based on the belief the federal government is organizing a military exercise that will result in marshal law  being declared.  This will result in federal government intervention in the lives of U.S. citizens by use of the military.  
     One local proposal was that Wal-Mart has been working with the government on this secret conspiracy.  Of course the usual fear mongering has suggested the ideas that Obama will declare himself dictator for life, the government will confiscate guns, and Christian pastors who refuse to preform marriage ceremonies for gay couples will be fi