Heads-up: Dobson hosts Coulter on Monday's show
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Fri Oct 20, 2006 at 04:13:13 PM EST
Well, James Dobson's finally doing what, apparently, all self-respecting Republican talk show hacks must do eventually--invite Anne Coulter on to the Monday edition of his Focus on the Family radio program.
What the vicious and vindictive Coulter has to contribute about family values or raising children is anybody's guess, but it does confirm that James Dobson, just like the rest of the religious right, will do anything to help keep the Republicans in power this November.

Coulter is the antithesis of the values Dobson professes to believe in, and engages in all the actions he regularly decries "liberals" of engaging in, but obviously he now has no trouble in selling his soul to the Republican party, lock, stock, an two smoking barrels.

I'm actually glad that he's doing this.  Coulter is too extreme for many conservatives (religious message boards tend to be very divided about her) and having her on the show may well be one step too far, and will probably do nothing to convince his listeners that they need to vote next month.


The arrogance of power. I just can't believe how ga-ga these heterosexist supremacists are in the presence of this, well you think of the apt word.

Ok, harridan comes to mind first for me.

Obviously Dobson has no sense of irony. Or standards. Remember, he recently had Bill Bennet on.

by SharonB on Fri Oct 20, 2006 at 04:41:03 PM EST

and it makes me very concerned.

The school has rented out the indoor stadium to the "intelligent design" crowd, who brought Behe in to BS the people, and now they had Coulter speaking.

I wonder what is wrong with the leadership at my school.  Don't they realize that these people will either shut the school down, or transform it into something it was never meant to be if they get their way?

I could see Coulter showing up at the local Assemblies "university" (trumped up bible school).  They are birds of a feather.  Bringing her onto a liberal university where diversity and pluralism are valued just doesn't make that much sense to me.

by ArchaeoBob on Fri Oct 20, 2006 at 10:24:30 PM EST

Listen to these two broadcasts?

I listened to most of the first one. Dobson did most of the talking, Coulter did most of the giggling.

by SharonB on Tue Oct 24, 2006 at 12:37:35 PM EST
Yes, I listened to Dobson yucking it up with Coulter. Aside from the usual lies and twisted logic, the thing that struck me most was how awful Coulter's voice is for radio.

Dobson doesn't know when to shut up, and reduced Coulter to monosyllabic responses much of the time--her favourite being "Riiiiight", worse than nails on a blackboard.

Coulter didn't say anything too outragous (for her that is) but it still speaks volumes that Dobson ladled heaps of gooey praise and admiration for that obnoxious woman.  Not a mention of the her thoroughly unchristian attitudes and behaviour, save for mentioning that she might be "offensive to some" right at the end of the broadcast.