How is Dominionism Getting into Politics? Meet the Apostles and Prophets of the NAR (Video)
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Feb 28, 2012 at 12:05:37 PM EST
A November Charisma Magazine article is titled the "Rising Tide of Influence: How Pentecostalism is gradually changing the dynamics of American Politics."  But most of the leaders in the article are not traditional Pentecostals - they are apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation. The NAR is one of the current forces behind the radicalization of the Religious Right, and in turn, U.S. politics. NAR leaders teach a dualistic worldview in which all other religions and philosophies, including secular democracy, are considered controlled by demonic entities in a cosmic battle with Christianity.  They are leaders on social issues, like fighting abortion and gay rights, but they also emphasize a mandate to take "dominion" over all of the "Seven Mountains" or cultural power centers - arts, business, education, family, government, media, and religion.

The late Rousas Rushdoony, father of Christian Reconstructionism wrote the tome and laid the foundations for infusing Dominion Theology into American politics, but it is Charismatic Dominionists who have had the greater success in drawing millions of followers in the U.S. and worldwide.  Following is a brief introduction to a few of the leading apostles and prophets, including video links.

[Additional links and videos will be added periodically!]

C. Peter Wagner

Wagner was the Convening Apostles of the International Coalition of Apostles (ICA), Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, Wagner Leadership Institute, and other New Apostolic Reformation entities. Now an octogenarian, Wagner has passed many of his leadership positions to other apostles.

Wagner explains the meaning of "dominion."  

In the video below, Wagner and other apostles take part in a 2008 "apostolic alignment" ceremony for Todd Bentley, during a faith-healing revival in Lakeland, Florida that drew participants from all over the world in the summer of 2008.

Wagner's interview with Terry Gross on Fresh Air in October 2011.  (Summary and links to audio and transcript.)

Clip from Wagner teaching series on "spiritual mapping" and "Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare" - Wagner describes Japan as cursed because the emperor had sex with a demon.

Wagner lectures on the size and growth of the New Apostolic Reformation for the Wagner Leadership Institute.

Wagner, Os Hillman, and Myles Monroe explains the Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit, an annual event focused on the Kingdom wealth and the great wealth transfer from the ungodly to the godly.

Ed Silvoso
Silvoso, Wagner, and Cindy Jacobs, Harold Caballeros and others were the original pioneers of "spiritual mapping" and other Strategic Level Spiritual Warfare (SLSW) practices. Silvoso heads the International Transformation Network (ITN) and is on the current Apostolic Council of the ICA. ITN's website is now called Transform our World. [First photo at right is Silvoso and former Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona of Hawaii, a long time participant in ITN's efforts to transform Hawaii. Second photo includes Aiona and Ugandan First Lady Janet Museveni at an ITN conference in Argentina.]

Silvoso and Apostle Pat Francis speaking at an ITN conference that included Lt. Gov. Duke Aiona and other Hawaiian politicians and candidates.

Transforming Uganda, a 20-minute compilation by Bruce Wilson showing involvement of Ed Silvoso, George Otis, and other NAR leaders in the "transformation" effort in Uganda.

Cindy Jacobs

Jacobs is a leading prophetess, member of the International Coalition of Apostles, and authority over the U.S. Reformation Prayer Network. The NAR has interconnected "prayer warrior" networks in all 50 states.

Cindy Jacobs at Wasilla Assembly of God

Compilation of video clips of Jacobs

Jacobs claims birds dying because of DADT repeal

Lou Engle

Engle co-founded TheCall with Che Ahn.  Engle leads these events held around the world and is based at Mike Bickle's International House of Prayer (IHOP). Rick Perry's prayer rally was patterned after The Call and organized by The Call and IHOP leaders. Engle and Bickle have both been members of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders.  Engle was in the documentary movie Jesus Camp with New Apostolic leader Becky Fischer, both of whom are part of Che Ahn's apostolic network.

The Call San Diego in 2008 in support of Proposition Eight, segment closes with Engle calling for martyrs from the stage.

Engle and Bickle lead TheCall Jerusalem, which corresponded with the Global Day of Prayer in 2008 and was in support of Messianic networks in Israel and conversion of Jews.

Lou Engle leads TheCall Uganda in May 2010.

Lou Engle on the Seven Mountains

Michele Bachmann and then Lou Engle lead prayer at the anti-healthcare reform "Prayercast" with Sam Brownback, Jim DeMint, and others.

Dutch Sheets

Dutch Sheets was C. Peter Wagner's personal pastor after Wagner left Ted Haggard's New Life Church.  Sheets is the apostolic authority over the U.S. Alliance for Reformation prayer network.  He has recently endorsed Newt Gingrich and become a member of Gingrich's national Faith Coalition Leaders. [The photo at right is Dutch Sheets with Apostle John Benefiel and Sen. Sam Brownback at TheCall Nashville on 7/07/07.]

Dutch Sheets says even though they won't be able to rule all of the earth until Jesus' return, they should try.

Dutch Sheets joins Gingrich's National Faith Leaders Coalition.

In video embedded below, Dutch Sheets states, "We have a Muslim president."

See the march of Gideon's Army with the blowing of the shofars during the evening portion of TheCall Nashville 7/07/07, an event featuring Engle, Sheets, and numerous other apostles and prophets along with Sen. Sam Brownback.

John Benefiel

Benefiel heads the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network and travels the U.S. conducting "divorce ceremonies from Baal."

Benefiel on the Statue of Liberty being demonic

District of Columbia is under the "Queen of Heaven" demon and must become the "District of Christ"

Homosexuality is plot of Illuminati for population control

Mike Bickle

Bickle heads the International House of Prayer (IHOP) in Kansas City, a model for IHOPs around the globe, many connected to live streaming of the KC IHOP. Bickle headed a controversial ministry in the 1980s and 1990s referred to as the Kansas City Prophets and was a member of the original Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders He led part of Gov. Rick Perry's prayer event in Houston on August 6, 2011.

Compilation of Bickle including his claims of prison camp for Jews in the End Times

Bickle on the End Times worship movement.

Chuck Pierce

Pierce is inheriting C. Peter Wagner's Global Harvest Ministries and he also leads the apostolic network called Global Spheres with the assistance of Wagner.

Pierce delivering a prophecy at International Church of Las Vegas

Lance Wallnau

Wallnau is on the Apostolic Council of the ICA and is a lead spokesperson for the Seven Mountains mandate.

Wallnau says Christians are missing the apostolic assignment to take over spheres and administrate them for the glory of God

Lance Wallnau at MorningStar Ministries on taking over "systems" or the Seven Mountains from Satan

Wallnau on Seven Mountains at Wasilla Assembly of God, Alaska

Che Ahn

Ahn has an international apostolic network and now leads the Wagner Leadership Institute.

Che Ahn introduces Stacey Campbell at the 2008 "alignment ceremony" of Todd Bentley.

Ahn claims that the president of South Korea is a "marketplace apostle" on the government mountain.

Rick Joyner

Rick Joyner is founder of MorningStar Ministries, a major prophet in the movement, and the co-founder with Samuel Rodriguez of a religio-political organization called the Oak Initiative.

The Oak Initiative and it's affiliate Transformation Michigan were sponsors of TheCall Detroit on 11/11/11.

Rick Joyner on It's Supernatural hosted by Sid Roth telling about his latest prophecy.

Rick Joyner (with Janet Porter and Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William Boykin of the Oak Initiative) warns audience in April 2011 to wait about choosing a GOP candidate, explains that campaign behind the scenes was formed prior to Reagan candidacy in 1980.

Samuel Rodriguez

Rodriguez has been a member of the International Coalition of Apostles, a co-founder and Vice President of The Oak Initiative, and president of the National Hispanic Christian Leadership Con