Fatima Center Holocaust Deniers and Geocentrists
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Wed Sep 04, 2013 at 11:41:51 AM EST
In September 2013, former U.S. Congressman Ron Paul will deliver a keynote address at a week-long conference in Ontario, Canada, titled "Fatima: The Path to Peace". As researcher Rachel Tabachnick describes, the conference "features New World Order conspiracy theorists, holocaust deniers, racists, and an openly fascist speaker". The conference will also feature two "geocentrists", who claim the Sun and all the heavens revolve once per day around the Earth - in a frank rejection of the Copernican Model of the Solar System accepted by the Catholic Church several centuries ago.
Only hours after Tabachnick published her story, an intrepid reporter with the Washington Free Beacon, Alana Goodman, published a story with the title, Fatima Center Head Denies Anti-Semitism, Questions Holocaust, in which Goodman quoted Father Nicholas Gruner, head of the arch-traditionalist Catholic Fatima Center which is sponsoring the "Fatima: The Path to Peace" conference, who told Goodman, "I am not anti-Semitic ... I'm not against any particular people, race or nation because of their people, race or nation." Gruner continued,

"What exactly is Holocaust denial? Are we talking about the six million Jews that are alleged to been killed by Hitler? A question that nobody has been able to answer for me, is how can you have six million die, and have 13 million left, when you only had 13 million to start with? I think it's impossible. But you know, I'm open-minded. I'll listen to somebody who can prove it otherwise."

Gruner's stated position is one of the most common among Holocaust deniers [1] who, rather than try to wholly deny mass killings in the Nazi death camps, attempt to cast doubt on orthodox historical accounts, suggesting the existence of a conspiracy (often attributed to Jews) to dramatically inflate the Jewish death toll in the Holocaust.

But Gruner and other speakers scheduled for the upcoming "Fatima: The Road To Peace" conference do not merely promote Holocaust denial.

Catholic lawyer Robert Sungenis, a colleague of Father Nicholas Gruner (Sungenis was one of the featured speakers at a Fatima Center-sponsored conference titled "The Mystery of Iniquity", held in September 2012 at a hotel in Idaho) has a long track record of Holocaust denial [see footnote #1, but Sungenis is also a leader among the Geocentrist movement.

Repudiating the Copernican model of the Solar System, Geocentrists deny that the Earth orbits the Sun, maintaining that the Sun and the entire heavens rotate about our small planet. Sungenis is co-author, with Robert J. Bennett, of the book Galileo Was Wrong, The Church Was Right: The Evidence From Modern Science.

Sungenis is not the only Catholic geocentrist slated to speak at the upcoming Fatima conference. Another currently scheduled speaker is Mr. John Salza, Esq., who in November 2006 joined Sungenis for what was billed as the "First Annual Catholic Conference on Geocentrism".

The Catholic geocentrists are joined, in their drive to overturn the Copernican heresy and return the Earth to its rightful place at the center of things, by an arch-traditionalist Protestant faction of Christian Reconstructionists - a subject which I covered in my 2007 story, Copernicus Was Wrong : Reconstructionism & "The Flat Earth Temptation"

footnote #1: for a fascinating and disturbing treatment related to this school of Holocaust denial, see Errol Morris' 1999 video documentary Mr. Death: The Rise and Fall of Fred A. Leuchter, Jr.

For related Talk To Action coverage see Rachel Tabachnick's stories,

Ron Paul to Keynote Catholic Traditionalist Summit with NeoFascist and Overtly Anti-Semitic Speakers,

Bircher President: 'If You Like Ron Paul, You'll Love the John Birch Society'

Canadian Defense Minister 'Rebuffs Anti-Semitic' Conference, Ron Paul Still Scheduled to Keynote,

SSPX Priest Behind Auschwitz Crosses Controversy Will Also Speak at Fatima Center Conference

Talk To Action cofounder Frederick Clarkson's story,
A Point About The Paul Temptation,

And my other stories and transcripts from Fatima Center leaders,
Fatima Center Holocaust Deniers and Geocentrists

Fatima Center Leaders Claim "Apostate" Jews and Israelis Plan To Slaughter Human Race