Love bombed at the March for Life
Esther Kaplan printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 11:37:33 PM EST
I vividly remember my own experience having an abortion, more than a decade ago. My boyfriend and I were on the rocks and hadn't spoken in days when I discovered I was pregnant; it felt like we were on the verge of a permanent rupture. I was broke and without health insurance. After two weeks of wrenching discussions we decided to terminate the pregnancy. I was in a fragile state as I headed for the doors of a Midtown clinic when a woman ran up to me and screamed, just inches from my face, "You're killing your baby!"

I have sharp memories of clinic defenses, too, at the height of Operation Rescue's work, helping to escort other women past phalanxes of protesters who yelled that they were murderers and would go to hell.  I recall more than one pro-choice march in Washington where the streets were lined with counterdemonstrators carrying giant images of bloody fetuses, the gory results of late-term abortions.

Today's March for Life felt extremely different. As I describe in a piece for the Village Voice, the scene in Washington today was like a love bomb.

A few priests took the stage to talk in dark, scary terms about sin, one shouting hoarsely, "We've shed the blood of 45 million children and their blood cries from the ground!" And, sure, a handful of people in the crowd had signs claiming that the "abortion holocaust" dwarfed the work of Hitler and Stalin combined. (One of these messages was on the shirt of a 16-year-old boy. When I asked him whether he was aware that many Jews found such comparisons callous, he shrugged and said, "We're just trying to compare the numbers.") But mostly the fetuses were depicted as cute, not bloody, and the talk was of compassion for women and creating a culture of life, as if the prospect of a Thomas-Roberts-Scalito court had given those assembled a new generosity toward those whose reproductive rights they may soon be poised to destroy.

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For years, watchers of the far-right have been tracking this shift in the anti-abortion movement. The rise of so-called "crisis pregnancy centers," which deceive women but project a veneer of concern; the launch of Silent No More and other organizations that focus attention on the regrets and ambivalence of women who've terminated their pregnancies (not uncommon, given that the life circumstances surrounding abortions are often far from ideal); the creation of such organizations as Feminists for Life, which assert themselves as the true defenders of women's rights against the voracious "abortion industry"--all have been part of a carefully planned strategic shift by a pro-life movement desperate after its clinic bombings and abusive "rescues"in the `80s and `90s thoroughly alienated most of America.

What I saw in Washington today was the fruit of this strategy. And you could see it in the beaming faces of the tens of thousands of teenagers who populated the march, most of whom likely know Randall Terry only as the defender of poor, beleaguered Terri Schiavo, whose name came up like a mantra throughout the day, and not as the man who spent years of his life coordinating mass assaults on the dignity of women.

It was not easy, I'd guess. Many have tales to tell, few dare to do so. has just sent out a press release which clashes disturbingly against the "Love Bomb" atmosphere, which you describe, of today's anti-Roe v. Wade protest that George W. Bush called to support :

The Bush Administration is proposing EPA rules that would allow the testing of pesticides on pregnant women and on children.    


by Bruce Wilson on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 11:52:20 PM EST

The "love bomb" is a lot like a smoke bomb -- or a smoke screen.  It covers over a great deal of judgment, hostility, and disrespect.

by Esther Kaplan on Tue Jan 24, 2006 at 12:07:28 AM EST
Is to split the well meaning innocents from those who are more aware of the underlying agendas :

( from janinsanfran's pictures ) those rosy cheeked kids with banners mean well, of course. But the man with the sign concerning "Jezebels" seems to me to be filled with rage.  

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Jan 24, 2006 at 12:17:06 AM EST

Had a similar experience at the anti-abortion march in San Francisco. It was quite surreal watching rather dazed looking marchers led in "Hail Marys" while pro-choice folks screamed at them.

I posted a lot of pictures here.
Can It Happen Here?
by janinsanfran on Mon Jan 23, 2006 at 11:58:59 PM EST

" [ source  by Garance Franke-Ruta ] ... in today's society, traditional values have become aspirational. Lower-income individuals simply live in a much more disrupted society, with higher divorce rates, more single moms, more abortions, and more interpersonal and interfamily strife, than do the middle- and upper-middle class people they want to be like. It should come as no surprise that the politics of reaction is strongest where there is most to react to. People in states like Massachusetts, for example, which has very high per capita incomes and the lowest divorce rate in the country, are relatively unconcerned about gay marriage, while those in Southern states with much higher poverty, divorce, and single-parenthood rates feel the family to be threatened because family life is, in fact, much less stable in their communities. In such environments, where there are few paths to social solidarity and a great deal of social disruption, the church frequently steps into the breach, further exacerbating the fight."

by Bruce Wilson on Tue Jan 24, 2006 at 12:10:45 AM EST

From what I saw in Kansas last fall, the love message has not spread everywhere.  The blaring trucks with aborted fetuses, the teen boys with video cameras taping anyone who acts pro-choice (in this case, coming to a pro-choice play), the harassers at the clinic in the morning, trying to block cars and shouting at a people coming to the clinic for any reason -- all a regular part of the landscape.  These folks (Operation Rescue West) even took their trucks, blaring, to the funeral of a pro-choice woman who died of cancer.

It would be nice if the message to be kind and gentle reached there, but somehow I doubt it has.

by cyncooper on Tue Jan 24, 2006 at 03:46:22 AM EST

It's very appropriate you use the specific term "love-bombing"--as "love-bombing" is a term used for how people are typically showered with affection when they are recruited into a coercive group.

I have detailed in past how dominionist groups very often have characteristics similar to, and use very similar tactics to, other spiritually abusive groups (and in many cases are spiritually abusive groups themselves, or descended from them).  This is actually an example of this.

First, people--at their most desperate--are recruited, lovebombed, told "we really care about you, nobody else really does, but WE really love you".

And yes, they do specifically target the vulnerable--teenage mothers, the poor and homeless, the imprisoned.  

After they've been suckered in...then the "fear programming" of things Outside begins, on how the Outside is evil, murderous, Satanic even.

Even relatively mainstream dominionist groups like Focus on the Family do this--they "lovebomb" families, claiming they really care about families and want to protect them...and once one is IN, talk about how quite literally everything outside the dominionist movement is in a Satanic conspiracy to Target The Family For Destruction (especially the gays!  Oh, noes!).

The main thing here that is honestly surprising is that it's taken them so long to go to the lovebombing for recruitment; possibly this is because much of the recruitment has been through dominionist groups beforehand, and now they're trying to recruit from Outside.  (This is part of what I mean by dominionist groups having a "public face" and a "private face", by the way; the lovebombing you're more likely to see publically, the "two-minute-hates" and promotion of fear of everything outside of dominionism you don't normally see in full force save from the inside.)  That doesn't make it less disturbing, though.

(And, as I've noted, the whole issue of "stealth recruiting" and lovebombing in general in dominionism does seem to be an increasingly used tactic as sunlight is brought upon them.  Look up previous threads on Bill Gothard and especially the Assemblies of God's "Seven Project" for other examples of this in action in other areas.)

by dogemperor on Tue Jan 24, 2006 at 11:25:41 AM EST

I expanded on the themes in this piece for a recent post at the Nation, where I report on the pro-life strategy discussions at a pro-life bloggers convention that took place last week.

by Esther Kaplan on Wed Feb 01, 2006 at 10:25:56 AM EST

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