Respect for Others? or Political Correctness?
Here's Chip's lead statement on political correctness--a good place to begin: "The term "Political Correctness" was hijacked by right-wing ideologues in the late 1980s to trivialize and disparage concern for basic human rights for people whose race, gender, ability, size, or other attributes were inconsistent with the norms established by straight, White, Christian men." Well said, but for simpler folks, on the right, to understand this term, isn't the core issue here really one of "simple respect for the dignity and feelings of others"? Should that be wrong? Is it wrong for the Left to teach or "inculcate" this kind of "awareness of and respect for the feelings of others"? Let's explicitly translate this term every time we hear or encounter it, so that all understand what it really refers to. I think those on the Right might understand it better if it's put into clearer, less esoteric, less ambiguous language.
Respect for Others? or Political Correctness? | 253 comments (253 topical, 0 hidden)