With a few quick rhetorical strokes, CUFI speaker Bridgette Gabriel had stripped the soul from Muslims across the whole Middle East, casting them as collectively subhuman. Later on that day, US Senator McCain gave a speech reinforcing the proposition that America was engaged in a total war against an utterly evil, hence inhuman, foe. [
scroll below pictures to listen to audio excerpts] But Muslims were not the only group the event's leaders seemed to view as guilty of collective spiritual taints, and almost at the very moment Bridgette Gabriel was stripping the soul from Mideast Muslims, two Jewish journalists were being evicted from the conference, for interviewing conference goers about their apocalyptic religious beliefs and confronting the conference leader about writing of his that blamed Jews themselves for the Holocaust. Welcome to the second annual "Christians United For Israel" conference, held at the Marriott Wardman hotel in Washington DC. on the 16th through the 18th of July 2007.
BBC REPORTER 1: You know, some people listening to your beliefs will be concerned that such as the black and white, good against evil; the global confrontation that you’re talking about, it’s inflammatory. It’s dangerous.
PASTOR HAGEE: No, it’s not dangerous. When you know the future, there’s no reason to consider it inflammatory. It’s going to happen. These things that I’m speaking of have been clearly predicted in Scripture as clearly as the sun shines at noonday. And when you study the Scripture in a scholarly fashion and understand that both Old and New Testament link together in a mesh work of prophetic logic that very clearly portrays the future, then there is no reason for concern. There’s absolute reason for confidence in knowing that, yes, the world is getting ready to go through the birth pains of sorrow, what the Bible calls it. But on the other side of the
birth pains will be the Messianic era of Jesus Christ and a thousand years of peace in the millennial reign.
Bridgette Gabriel's diatribe, painting a wide swath of humanity as subhuman, would have been well at home in Goebbel's Reich and should have been denounced for the hate speech that is was rather than sanctioned by the presence of national politicians and presidential candidates. But such expressions - leveled towards Islam - rarely are denounced at present. And, perhaps such dehumanization of Muslims is not surprising in a climate that allows, to little question, supposed key supporters of Israel such as Pastor John Hagee to blame the Holocaust on Jews. If CUFI's leader can state that millions of Jews were themselves guilty for their own horrible deaths, it should come as little surprise that CUFI speakers declare millions of Muslims and Arabs to be, for all intents and purposes, subhuman.
Many American nonprofit organizations with noble sounding mission statements which would seem to demand their denunciation of such hate speech routinely turn a blind eye to such excretions, highly prominent, that smear the entire Islamic world and thus a substantial portion of humanity. But, they also turn a blind eye to hair raising public declarations of anti-Semitism.
"200 Million Radical Muslim Extremists" Want To Kill Us ?
CUFI founder, fundamentalist pastor John Hagee, both warns of the immanent threat to the United States of an "a