Revoke Obama's Invitation to Rick Warren
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 03:25:52 PM EST
Progressives in general, and the gay community in particular are outraged by Obama's selection of Religious Right leader Rick Warren to give the invocation at his inauguration.  There are many articles written and initiatives underway.  I want to point to just a few:

Michelle Goldberg, writing at Religion Dispatches opens her piece:

On the left, reaction to the news that Rick Warren would be giving the invocation at Barack Obama′s inauguration was swift and furious. The President of The Human Rights Campaign, the country′s largest gay and lesbian human rights organization, published an open letter to the president-elect, which began, "Let me get right to the point. Your invitation to Reverend Rick Warren to deliver the invocation at your inauguration is a genuine blow to LGBT Americans."

Many writers described the choice as a slap in the face (a phrase I myself used in a column in the Guardian UK), or said they felt they′d been spit on. A headline on The Huffington Post described it as Obama′s first real rift with progressives.

There is a Facebook group No to Rick Waren at Obama Inauguration that has a good run down of ways to tell Obama and his staff, and the Congressional leaders what you think:

1. Send Obama a letter at and ask Rick Warren to be removed from the event!

  1. Email Parag Mehta, Obama's LGBT liaison on the transition team at to express your concern.

  2. Emmett Belivau is the Executive Director/CEO of the Inaugural Committee. Let him know your thoughts:

4. Have your voice to be heard and send emails to the members of Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies, including

Sen. Dianne Feinstein .EmailMe

Sen. Harry Reid

Sen. Bob Bennett

Rep. Nancy Pelosi

Rep. Steny Hoyer

Rep. John Boehner

  1. Post your letters on the discussion board. Let the whole world know why are you disappointed and outraged!

  2. Ask your friends and family members to do the same.

Peter Daou, writing at The Huffington Post, has an interesting discussion of the kind of comments Obama is getting at his transition web site, and the broader implications for internet organizing.

Just passing the news along.  I know this is completely out of the universe of the  topic but thought you might want to know

by tikkun on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 05:47:17 PM EST

The only way Rick Warren will be removed is if he decides to decline or withdraw from the invitation himself.

While Obama may have miscalculated the strength of the reaction to his decision, I suspect that feels that changing his mind that this point would only be worse for him politically, in the long run.  It could make him look weak and a prisoner of the "fringe activists" of the Democratic party if he backtracks now.

If Warren withdrew, claiming that he did not want to be cast as a divisive figure at the inauguration, it would give Obama the cover he needs, but I doubt Warren's ego will let that happen anyway.  (I have no doubt that he is as stoked about his brush with the inner circles of power as Dobson was during Bush's terms.)

Probably the best that can come of the controversy is:

a) Rick Warren is exposed to the wider public as the religious right's wolf in sheep's clothing.  

b) feeling the heat, Obama decides to bring forward some policy moves that materially benefit the gay community in some way.

The bottom line is, that although it's not a great decision for Obama to be starting out with, in the end it's only a symbolic gesture.  Unless we have misread Obama completely, he still intends to carry out his campaign promises to do away with DADT and act on the FOCA legislation.  As long as he keeps those commitments, then I really couldn't care less if he throws the other side a symbolic bone every now and then.

by tacitus on Thu Dec 18, 2008 at 08:05:08 PM EST

Isn't anyone else reminded of JFK's masterful handling of America's Pope, the Rev. Billy Graham?  Prior to Kennedy's election, Graham had written Kennedy to assure him that he wouldn't use his influence to campaign against him, but that naturally he would be voting for his close friend, Richard Nixon.  A couple weeks later, Graham called together a meeting of Protestant leaders in Switzerland.  The subject of discussion: how do we stop this Papist from getting elected?  Graham was shrewd enough to recognize he couldn't afford to dirty his own hands with this business, so he let Norman Peale do the work and take the fall.  After Kennedy was elected, he invited Graham for a round of golf.  When they had finished their round, the reporters wanted to talk to the new president.  Kennedy answered a few questions and then said, "I believe my friend, the Rev. Graham, has some things he'd like to say"!!  And so he got to sit back and watch as Billy choked out some words about how Kennedy is a good man, and there's no reason whatsoever to be concerned about his religion or something like that.

So could this be a similar situation?  Warren is the new Pontifex Americanus. I don't think he left any doubts about who he was going to vote for. And now he has to say nice things in public about a pro-choice democrat who isn't the right kind of Christian.

by brother maynard on Fri Dec 19, 2008 at 03:38:30 PM EST

including politically. Especially politically. Obama could have chosen someone just as conservative but far less publically divisive than Rick Warren. I guess he knows that now.

Rick Warren as moderate common grounder is substantially a creature of a radically uncurious media and the Inside the Beltway image manufacturers who determined that he would be promoted as a moderate. Even a casual examination of his views and activities would have shown that that dog ultimately would not hunt.

But facts do not seem to be of much interest to the message meisters. Rick Warren is a moderate if they say he is a moderate.

What hath the Religious Industrial Complex wought?

by Frederick Clarkson on Sat Dec 20, 2008 at 10:36:33 AM EST

I don't know if this nod to Warren is part of Obama's strategy to keep enemies close, or if he truly admires the man, but if Warren is poised to become a spiritual advisor to the White House this is very troubling because underneath his PR/marketing strategies he is very similar to the type of folks Sarah Palin "pals" with.

C. Peter Wagner was Rick Warren's dissertation advisor at Fuller Theological Seminary.  I have a copy of his dissertation (anyone at a college or university with access to ProQuest Digital Dissertations can get it) and it is an early draft of Purpose Driven Church.  Warren also cited Wagner and several of his other compatriots in a complimentary manner in his tome.  So it's not just coincidence that Warren chose Wagner as his advisor.  While others have examined Peter Drucker's influence on Warren's thought, not many have examined Wagner's.

Christian discernment groups critical of the Purpose Driven and New Apostolic Reformation Movements have noted that Warren's PEACE plan is nothing more than dominionism in very poor disguise.  While on the surface Warren's fighting the AIDS epidemic seems laudatory, in many ways I think it is similar to the NAR's position on spiritual warfare (like Transformations).  Rid the earth of evil (since they're like gods they can do that) and Christ will come back.... and/or they will take over the earth for Christ by proxy.

I voted for Obama because I was beyond scared of Palin, but his "Joshua Generation" initiative toward young evangelicals gave me pause since it reminded me of NAR/Joels Army groups also targeting youth, as it did dogemperor.  I excused it away as a reference to this generation of African Americans and Americans in general who are able to enter the "promised land" opened up by MLK and the Civil Rights movement.  But his selection of Warren to give the inaugural invocation makes me wonder about that again.

by ulyankee on Fri Dec 19, 2008 at 11:02:45 AM EST

...perhaps he should have Prussian Blue singing the Star Spangled Banner. It would only be symbolic. But then again the symbolism of reaching out would be overshadowed by who he was reaching out to, in either case.

I would be fine with reaching out to those biconceptuals among the political Right, and the Religious conservative followers who have many progressive ideas, and bring them in ON those progressive ideas. However eliminationism as ideology, particularly from leaders of the far right does not deserve homage in symbol or reality and can only serve to muddy and make equal positive change and unacceptable regressiveness, and  negotiating between the two starting at the halfway point.

Even that would be a lot more acceptable if there actually was a Leftish list as a subset of the many appointments, but except for areas like conservation where there is broad support across the spectrum, the list is stunningly slanted to Corporate support.

There is a lot of work that needs doing, and unless Obama shows a lot more respect for his base he might see an insurgency in his own party even before the next election.

by FreeDem on Fri Dec 19, 2008 at 12:20:41 PM EST

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