Worldwide Biblical Zionists
Rachel Tabachnick printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Mon Oct 19, 2009 at 05:59:32 PM EST
Strategic Biblical Zionist CenterThis is Part Three in a series of articles on why we need J Street, and a new perspective on the meaning of "pro-Israel."  Link to [Part One] and [Part Two.]

Worldwide Biblical Zionists (WBZ) is a project of World Likud and its evangelical arm, World Evangelical Zionists.  It was developed to aid Christian Zionists who wish to make aliyah (move to Israel) with the stated goal of providing assistance for housing, employment, legal services, and pre-military training. To the right is a graphic of the planned Strategic Biblical Zionist Center.

Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren, and other apologists for the partnership with Christian Zionists, speak frequently of the generations of support for Israel by "restorationists."  They fail to acknowledge the dark side of this history, and the potential future consequences as Christian Zionists become increasingly aggressive in tryi