Gingrich's Gasps of Wrath
Bill Berkowitz printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu May 21, 2009 at 12:31:31 PM EST
For Newt Gingrich, there are so many battles and so little time. With 2012 in his sights, Gingrich has become a one-man GOP band, trumpeting god, guns and the resignation of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi

In his most recent "Newt Gingrich Letter," the former House Speaker, who knows from resignations, demanded the resignation of current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. He wrote in "Why Pelosi Should Step Down" that, "The case against Nancy Pelosi remaining Speaker of the House is as simple as it is devastating:

The piece's subtitles tell the story:

"From a Question of Memory to a Question of Criminality"

"Pelosi on the CIA: 'They Mislead Us All The Time'

"Why Did Pelosi Escalate the Controversy into a Full Scale War With the CIA?"

"If Pelosi Consented to Waterboarding in 2002, the Bush Policy Is Vindicated"

"Speaker Pelosi Has Made America Less Safe"

Newt's day at a Tea Party  

"The elite media tried to ignore us. The government labeled us 'extremists.' But on April 15, more than one million Americans came together, spontaneously, to defend fairness and freedom. I know because Callista and I were there. Here is our story."

Thus began Newt Gingrich's heart-warming albeit rose-colored glasses-garbed assessment of the Tax Day Tea Parties held across the nation on April 15. However, it is probably less interesting to deconstruct Gingrich's optimistic views of Tea Party-ness, as expressed in "Will the Tea Parties Matter?" -- a disquisition on "the nature of the Tea Party movement" -- then it is to recognize that the former House Speaker, has more and more come to represent both what's left of the intellectual firepower of the post-Bush Republican Party and the critic/commentator/analyst/partisan politician that will take on just about any question that comes his way.

With the Republican Party seeming to settle into a state of beserkiness, what with their call for Democrats to rename itself the Democrat Socialist Party; with McCarthyite claims that there are a host of "socialists" in Congress; with a very strange Michael Steele heading up the RNC, while Rush Limbaugh assumes the Party's head-without-portfolio position, it is left to Gingrich to be in as many places as possible, to criticize the Obama Administration (with an occasional compliment tossed its way), to slash away at current House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and to proclaim that the Party still has some guiding principles.

Gingrich's goal? To stitch together a coalition of disparate GOP forces that will back him for the Party's Presidential nomination in four years. Does it matter that the public has never liked the man? Apparently, not to the Newtster!

Steamy, seamy and on the march

As is well known, Gingrich has a seamy and steamy history: Ethical violations that ultimately forced him to resign as Speaker of the House; an extra-marital affair, conducted while in hot pursuit of impeaching Bill Clinton for his involvement with Monica Lewinsky; his willingness to genuflect to the likes of Dr. James Dobson, confessing on the Focus on the Family founder's radio program that "There are times that I have fallen short of my own standards. There's certainly times when I've fallen short of God's standards."

The mastermind of the Republican Revolution of 1994 -- when the GOP took control of the House for the first time in decades -- is trying to cover all his bases these days: he writes books, the latest, co-authored with his daughter Jackie Gingrich Cushman, is titled "5 Principles for a Successful Life" -- on Monday, May 15, he and/or Jackie appeared on eight radio or television talk shows; he chats up a storm on any number of network news programs and is a regular -- and I mean regular -- Fox News Channel contributor.

He makes films -- his latest, produced with his wife Callista, is titled "Ronald Reagan: Rendezvous with Destiny," and his next film, is titled "Rediscovering God in America Part II."

He teaches a college course now and again; he writes op-ed pieces for a host of venues -- he recently signed on with the Examiner newspapers to write a weekly column that will appear in both the Washington Examiner and The San Francisco Examiner; and he sends out a free weekly e-mail newsletter called "Winning the Future."

In addition, and perhaps most importantly, he has been raising millions of dollars from wealthy GOP donors for his organization, American Solutions.

And, there is also "" ("Real Change Requires Real Change") where the fullness of Newt is on display.

Hemorrhaging GOP in need of makeover

In a recent edition of his "Ideas in Action" e-letter, Ken Connor, the former head of the Family Research Council, had this to say about the state of the GOP: "In the aftermath of the 2008 elections ... the GOP is hemorrhaging badly. It is dazed and confused. It is moribund, but it is not dead yet. Whether the Party of Lincoln will recover remains to be seen. Its prognosis is, at best, guarded."

Despite talk of "reinvent[ion]," "rebranding," whether its time to "get over its Reagan 'nostalgia,'" or the need for "inclusiveness," Connor, reassured his readers that "news of their [the Party's] demise is premature." The Party doesn't so much need a "makeover" as it needs to get back to its historic "principles," Connor maintained. When all is said and done, Connor prefers turning back the clock to the Reagan era and using that period to guide the Party back to predominance. Will Gingrich be that guide?

Judge Richard Posner, a prominent Reagan appointee, recently wrote that the conservative movement suffers from "intellectual deterioration." It is no great surprise then that to a disaffected Republican Party voter, that sees the party's leaders as a hodge-podge of dead-enders (Dick Cheney, John "Tan Man" Boehner), blatherers (Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity), gaffe-prone politicians (Michael Steele, Alaska Governor Sarah Palin), the fullness that is Newt Gingrich might be starting to look good.

Newt hasn't given up on the Republican idea of making the Catholic Church the Republican party at prayer, but he failed to consult with many of us who are both Catholic and Democratic. Oh well, Deal Hudson thinks Newt has a clean slate, but others of us aren't quite convincd.

by khughes1963 on Thu May 21, 2009 at 10:06:25 PM EST

It's hard for a party to suffer from "intellectual deterioration" when most of its guiding principles lack intellectual support anyway. What has moved me ever toward the more liberal arena is the lack of solid evidence that anything espoused by the conservative side is actually good for our country in the 21st century. I do wish we had fewer taxes, but not because I don't want government services. I want fewer taxes because the government is doing everything it does and needs to do efficiently, effectively, and reasonably - and better than the private sector where there is competition. So even fiscally, I'm more liberal than I once was because the facade has fallen away from the conservative agenda and revealed it to be made of straw.

by RevRuthUCC on Sun May 24, 2009 at 09:45:57 PM EST

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