The claim that the European Union may have produced the Antichrist, posted on the website of the Hutaree Militia, is common in many end times prophecy books. The Antichrist emerging from the E.U. is the central feature of John Hagee's movie "Vanished in the Twinkling of an Eye."
Newsweek's Mark Hosenball seemed surprised that the Hutaree militia viewed former E.U. official Javier Solana as the likely Antichrist, and described this as a belief of "virulent elements on the far-right political and religious fringes." Prophecy books have for years proclaimed the E.U. (and United Nations) as the source of a future Antichrist and an imminent one-world government which will take away the sovereignty of the U.S. and enslave the earth. Apocalyptic grand conspiracy theories have been marketed in books sold by the tens of millions, and have become interwoven in every major political issue we face as a nation, from healthcare to foreign policy. The danger is not limited to the possible violence of the fringe. The danger is the large role that these narratives are playing in the obstruction of informed political dialogue.