Race, Republicans and the Religious Right
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Aug 16, 2014 at 11:07:03 PM EST
The Republicans have a race problem, and by this I don't just mean that racial minorities don't much vote for them, particularly in the age of Obama.  Rather that overtly racist figures are rising in prominence in the party. And as this takes place, party leaders are not handling it well.  

Paul Rosenberg, writing at Salon.com has an extensive discussion of this as part of a wide context of how poorly we all deal with extreme political and religious views.

Rand Paul is not alone. It's not just the Kentucky senator complaining about folks at MSNBC [Rachel Maddow et al.] who "misrepresent" his past viewpoint opposing the Civil Rights Act by replaying videotape of him refusing to support it. It's a malady affecting the GOP as a whole as its racial incoherence reaches a new high.

On the one hand, there's Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama, blasting Democrats for wagin