Has Anyone Seen Bill...At All? (The Catholic Right: Eighteenth in a Series)
Frank Cocozzelli printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Dec 23, 2006 at 10:24:45 AM EST
In Part Six of this series I asked:

As of 9:00PM, June 24, 2006, a Google search has revealed that the Catholic League has not even uttered a peep about Left Behind: Eternal Forces. There is nary a word from the usually pugnacious Donohue on the Catholic League's web site, in its periodical Catalyst, nor any sign of a bombastic press release on the matter. Admittedly, Google searches are far from definitive and perhaps Donohue said something somewhere about the game. But if he did, it was not done in a way that was calculated to inject a splashy condemnation into the mainstream press--or in other words, he did not follow standard Catholic League procedure.

Well, it is now December 23, 2006--one day short of fully six months later--and still nary a peep from the Catholic Right's version of Mr. Bluster.

And nor can Donohue and the Catholic League plead that they are unaware of the anti-Catholic tendencies of LaHaye-inspired creations. Just two years ago, the Catholic League in very cogently written piece for its periodical, The Catalyst pretty much