Welcome to Talk To Action
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sun Feb 12, 2006 at 12:26:55 PM EST
If you are new to this website, welcome. What is this place ?

You have arrived here, most likely, out of your concern about the "religious right", the Christian right, Christian nationalism, encroaching theocracy....

You are concerned, you want to know more. You want to know what you can do.

Well then, first you have to overcome the temptation to simply look away, to push the problem to the back of your mind. Talk To Action can help you with that : Talk To Action can help you continue to pay attention.

If you sign up for a free account on this site, you can opt to receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries of the stories that appear on this website. Many of the themes and issues covered by Talk To Action contributors have never before been written on and discussed in a sustained way or with the intensity and unflinching attention you will find here.

Talk To Action is an online publication, and a forum for discussion, that is focused with unparalleled intensity on the rise of the Christian right as a social and political force - and on what those who are opposed to that movement can do to counter it.

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Frederick Clarkson and I founded the site. Fred has been researching on writing on the Christian right for many years. For decades, in fact. I have not, but nonetheless I occasionally stumble over aspects of the Christian right that are novel to Fred even though his journalism and research are a landmark in the field and his contributions wid