Former Bush Domestic Policy Head Claude Allen Charged in Shoplifting Scheme
Mr. Allen was noted for his extreme anti-gay statements:
Allen's history as a gay-baiter goes back to his days as a top aide to the notorious homophobe Senator Jesse Helms. In 1984, Allen accused Helms' Democratic challenger, then-Governor James Hunt, of having links to "queers," "radical feminists," socialists and unions [ Doug Ireland, writing for LA Weekly ] Allen was also known for his outspoken support for "Abstinence Education", and his role in getting information on the effectiveness of condoms at preventing HIV transmission pulled from the US CDC's website. Doug Ireland Notes, for LA Weekly :
"Allen helped bludgeon the Centers for Disease Control, which reports to HHS, into purging safe-sex materials from its Web sites and into adopting mandatory new rules requiring AIDS-fighting groups to teach that condoms don't work in preventing the spread of AIDS....... As Ireland stated on "Democracy Now" :
Claude Allen has been the AIDS community's -- one of its number one enemies for some years, because he is an opponent of condom use. He is a proponent for years of the theory that condoms do not work to prevent AIDS. And he has worked very hard to replace science-based sex education with the failed policy of abstinence-only sex education as the only way to prevent AIDS. As reported by Bill BerkowitzAllen has made anti-gay statements and also has been loudly praised by Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council:
"During Senator Helms' 1984 re-election campaign, Allen charged Helms' opponent, Jim Hunt, with having ties to "queers," a "remark that has stuck to him throughout his career," the Associated Press recently pointed out........... One more item of note : Claude Allen apparently has been addicted to shoplifting.
Claude Alexander Allen, 45, had been under investigation in Maryland since early January for an alleged scheme to defraud department stores of thousands of dollars in a refund scheme and was arrested on Thursday on charges of a felony theft scheme and theft over $500, according to Montgomery County police -- charges carrying possible sentences of up to 15 years. _____ Said President Bush - in reaction :
"When I heard the story last night I was shocked....And my first reaction was one of disappointment, deep disappointment that, if it's true , that we were not fully informed. But it was also one - shortly thereafter, I felt really sad for the Allen family.''
Former Bush Domestic Policy Head Claude Allen Charged in Shoplifting Scheme | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)
Former Bush Domestic Policy Head Claude Allen Charged in Shoplifting Scheme | 4 comments (4 topical, 0 hidden)