President Jefferson Tear Down This Wall!
In 1801, responding to a private letter from the Danbury Baptists the phrase "separation of Church and state" was written by President Thomas Jefferson in response to the Baptists' fear that the U. S. Government was going to establish the Congregationalist Church as the official denomination of the new nation. Jefferson's reference to a wall of separation of church and state was a one way wall...a wall in which the government would have no say in the affairs of the church. His statement, miss-characterized today, was never intended to keep the God out of Government. It is the greatest lie ever perpetrated on the American church. We believe, to paraphrase Ronald Reagan's declaration to the Soviets, it is time the church declared President Jefferson Tear Down This Wall! An article from a local Danbury, CT newspaper reports on a recent development concerning this rally.
President Jefferson Tear Down This Wall! | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 hidden)
President Jefferson Tear Down This Wall! | 11 comments (11 topical, 0 hidden)