This Race Matters: Ken Blackwell, a Dominionist to The Core
The Rev. Rod Parsley, co-founder of the Ohio Reformation Movement that is organizing through Ohio's megachurches to get Ken Blackwell elected, has declared Ohio "a training ground that will launch a national reformation." Parsley doesn't shy away from theocracy. Americans must be 'Christocrats" -- citizens of both their country and the Kingdom of God -- the Rev. Rod Parsley told his congregation at the World Harvest Church, located just outside Columbus, Ohio. "And that is not a democracy; that is a theocracy," he said. "That means God is in control, and you are not." Blackwell has authored a plan for "Civic Renewal" that is featured on Ohio's official government web site Katherine Yurica of The Yurica Report calls Blackwell's treatise "dominionist to the core:" Blackwell speaks candidly. It is a revolution in a deceptively pretty package. Hidden in its paragraphs are concepts of submission, obedience, inspection of the personal lives of people, and the loss of personal rights and freedom that would make America's founding fathers stand on their heads in their graves. In short it is a Dominionist document: a religious treatise in secular terms, but dominionist to the core. It's a brilliant little package to get millions of evangelical Christians and their friends to accept authoritarian government without even a whisper of protest. The 2006 elections are seen as an "apocalyptic clash between a virtuous Christianity and the evildoers who oppose Christianity's values," according to the Reverend Johnson, a senior pastor of the evangelical Fairfield Christian Church in suburban Columbus and other co-founder of the Ohio Restoration Movement.
The "evildoers" must refer to people who believe in a pluralistic democracy. If so, may the "evildoers" prevail.
This Race Matters: Ken Blackwell, a Dominionist to The Core | 28 comments (28 topical, 0 hidden)