Ohio's Rx for Murder
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Tue Jun 13, 2006 at 10:25:34 PM EST
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingAs GOP voters repudiate Republican legislators who failed to support South Dakota's precedent-setting ban on abortion, and as Louisiana awaits Governor Kathleen Blanco's promised signature on a ban just as harsh, Ohio's legislature is raising the ante by granting a hearing to a ban on abortion introduced by State Rep. Tom Brinkman - one that shows no mercy even when a woman's very life is at stake.

Brinkman's House Bill 228 is in line with the radical position of Ohio's Attorney General and GOP gubernatorial hopeful Ken Blackwell, and it already has picked up endorsements from 17 of Brinkman's colleagues in the Ohio House.  

The Constitution Party of Ohio has crossed party lines to support this Republican bill, with an enthusiastic endorsement written by a member of both its state executive and national committees -- Patrick Johnson, D.O. --  which bestows upon Brinkman's bill the blessing of the Army of God.    

Over the last few years, Dr. Johnston has risen to a level of national prominence within the ranks of the Constitution Party while maintaining a family medical practice. Dr. James P. Johnston of Ohio's Genesis Health Care System appears to be a pleasant-enough young physician, and it wouldn't be surprising if his patients were unaware that -- dropping the "James" and operating as Dr. Patrick Johnston -- their family doctor has spent most of the last decade in highly unsavory company.

These days the relatively smooth phraseology of Johnston's "conservative" political philosophy is socially acceptable enough to blend right in with that of the Ohio GOP, but until he began his forays into "legitimate" politics with a highly visible presence in the Constitution Party -- and before Ohio decided that GOP stood for "God's Own Party" -- Johnston was a lot less careful about what he said, and about where he published it.

In what might have been an effort to assist Johnston's assimilation into public life, the Army of God has scrubbed his name from its list of "Heroes of the Faith," an honor roll featuring such anti-abortion luminaries as executed shotgun murderer Paul Hill, James Kopp, the "Atomic Dog" who killed Dr. Barnett Slepian from ambush, and John Salvi, the "hero" who murdered two clinic receptionists in Brookline, Massachusetts. Since the list is largely composed of violent criminals serving prison time for violent crimes, one wonders what Johnston did to qualify for inclusion. Maybe inciting others to murder was enough.

From Johnston's lengthy advocacy of the "blessing" of Bible-based murder, What the Bible Says Should Be Done to Abortionists:

"[T]he land cannot be cleansed of the blood that is shed therein, but by the blood of him that shed it."  Executing murderers was the only way to "put away the guilt of innocent blood."
I'm not embarrassed to say what the punishment for the crime should be anymore than I'm embarrassed to admit that child-killing is a crime!  Murder is a capital crime, abortion is murder, therefore abortionists should be executed, so that the innocent may be defended and the curse of innocent blood be lifted off our land.  God's ways are benevolent and bring blessing, the autonomous ways of man are unloving and brings God's curse.

And although Talk to Action's own Michelle Goldberg witnessed Johnston's denial that he also has called for the execution of gays and lesbians, the Wayback Machine tells another story.

Homosexuality, incest, pedophilia, and bestiality are capital crimes, this keeps sex where God designed it to be, in the marriage bed, and it provides a strong impediment against sins that are particularly addictive and destructive (Have you ever noticed that Saudi Arabia doesn't have an AIDS crisis?)

Johnston's Web site used to feature this photo of Johnston's wife, Elizabeth, "great with child surrounded by homos."

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But today, as they embark on their new political partnership with the Ohio GOP, both Patrick and Elizabeth Johnston have cleaned up nicely.

In 2005 Johnston's personal Web site was restyled as Right Remedy: A Ministry of Dr. Patrick Johnston and Family. The site used to be called "Where the Truth Hurts," and it used to hurt just to look at it -- although, even then, Johnston linked to his current political allies such as the American Family Association and Focus on the Family.

The family practice physician from Dresden, Ohio is very big on family values. Even when he assists Operation Save America with its annual siege, or accompanies the Army of God on its now-customary assaults upon the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists -- events for which he  serves as organizer -- Johnston usually takes his wife and children along for the fun.

Last year the Johnston family turned out in force for the ACOG's annual meeting in San Francisco, as chronicled by the AOG's Joshua Graff and posted by Neal Horsley, publisher of the infamous Nuremberg Files.  

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Also present for this festival of Christian love were fellow AOG stalwarts such as Jonathan O'Toole (below, left), who invaded a private session of the ACOG's 2004 annual meeting in what the medical group's former president, Dr. Harry Jonas, called an act of domestic  terrorism.

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About a half-dozen protestors walked into a meeting session, titled "Innovations in Contraception and Abortion." They somehow penetrated the meeting's private security personnel and forced their way into the gathering.

Witnesses said the protestors pushed aside a doctor to enter the room and then began videotaping attendees, including each doctor's name badge, which identified where the doctor lives or practices.
Dr. Vivian M. Dickerson, an associate professor at the University of California, Irvine, and incoming ACOG president, called the incident frightening and appalling and decried the breach of security. She said some anti-abortion groups circulate physician identities on Web sites, raising concerns about personal safety.
Jonathan O'Toole, of Kansas City, Mo., another member of the anti-abortion group -- which is called Survivors -- told UPI the group did attempt to videotape physicians. Although he carried a video camera in a tote bag at his side, he said he had not used it in this instance.

"We do that to identify these people," O'Toole said, and added the session was targeted specifically because "we knew there would be abortionists there."

Asked what the group will do with the video images, O'Toole said they might be posted on a Web site called The Nuremburg List as part of a dossier being compiled on physicians deemed to perform abortions.
"We're doing this so that some day these people can be tried for crimes against humanity," he said.

Asked if circulating the physicians' pictures might make them targets of violence, O'Toole said, "I can see how that could happen, but you see I'm not telling anybody to be violent."

No, O'Toole can safely leave that to Patrick Johnston.

Another AOG "Hero of the Faith" present in San Francisco was Robert Ferguson, like Johnston a proponent of "Bible-based" murder.

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Bob Ferguson [said] he felt it was important to show the abortionists the consequences of their actions and instill some fear in those who perform abortions.  Ferguson said the abortionists should remember that there could always be another Paul Hill or James Kopp who will do more than just talk.

This is the face of so-called "pro-life" activism that neither the executive committee of Constitution Party, nor the Ohio Republicans who now welcome them as allies, want to show to the voting public. And this is the face of Ohio State Representative Tom Brinkman.

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Like the 17 other Republican legislators who now welcome the public participation of the Army of God in a legislative process that will determine the fate of the women of Ohio, Brinkman's public face is smiling. I wonder whether he and his abortion-abolitionist colleagues would smile at this.

Abortionist Barnett Slepian now in eternal hell fire.

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The man who watched; a godly, righteous man, could no longer sit passively by while this evil beast enjoyed the fruits of his depraved blood trade. He rested his head against the tree which hid him from direct sight of the babykiller and his family. He prayed, took aim, then calmly pulled the trigger.

The sound of window glass shattering, a hollow thud, and a woman's scream coming from within the house pierced the frigid air. He smiled. Hallelujah to the LORD.  The mass murderer had been stopped!

The babykiller lay in his own unclean blood; his worthless life seeping out of his body, his soul preparing itself for the eternal fires of hell.

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Or at this.

John Bayard Britton, dead and in eternal hell fire.

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Proverbs 24:20 For there shall be no reward to the evil man; the candle of the wicked shall be put out.

John Bayard Britton, circuit riding babykilling abortionist, killed children all over Florida.

Thankfully on July 29, 1994 AD he was stopped him from murdering any more children.

The children of Florida say: Thank you Paul Hill for saving our lives.

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But maybe Tom Brinkman and his GOP colleagues would smile after all, because for as long as these people embrace the Army of God as a political ally, they embrace its works as well.

faux-religious political posturing to turn a cast iron stomach, but as far as I know, the supporters of Brinkman's total ban on abortion care for any reason are the first to climb into bed with the Army of God in broad daylight.

by moiv on Tue Jun 13, 2006 at 11:30:12 PM EST
Larry Kilgore, who ran for governor as a Republican in the Texas GOP primary, would have if he could have.

by moiv on Tue Jun 13, 2006 at 11:37:42 PM EST
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by shaka22 on Thu Oct 10, 2019 at 08:39:18 AM EST

I just want to take this opportunity to personally thank you for your ongoing committment and dedication to keeping this issue forefront.  

As difficult as it was for me today to see my cousin Bart's face and memorial defiled in this way by these terrorists, it brought back memories of his funeral -- where women and families who he had touched and  served came together to honor the fine and courageous man and physician that he was.

We honor him by the acts we do in his memory.

Warm regards,

by jerseyjo on Wed Jun 14, 2006 at 02:18:50 PM EST

I thank you so very much for understanding the reason that, after deep reflection, I decided to reproduce those unconscionably horrible graphics.

Our clinic is located in Texas, and I never had the pleasure of meeting either Dr. Slepian or Dr. Britton, but the community of those of us who provide abortion care feels very much like belonging to an extended family.  So it is also painful for me and for many others to look upon the way that the memory of their lives, their courage and their dedication are desecrated by what you very rightly call terrorists.    

My warmest wishes to you and to all of Dr. Slepian's family,


by moiv on Wed Jun 14, 2006 at 08:46:58 PM EST

I think that might be a good PR hook for promotion of this story.

by Bruce Wilson on Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 06:24:37 AM EST
Thanks for your post. I've been thinking about writing a very comparable post over the last couple of weeks, I'll probably keep it short and sweet and link to this instead if thats cool. Thanks. Health Blog

by johncity on Thu Apr 11, 2019 at 09:40:54 AM EST

according to the word on the street.

But shame on Ohio House Speaker Jon Husted for even letting this bill have a hearing.  He seemed to imply a few months ago that HB 228 would stay bottled up in committee.  The only reason I could think he would be doing this is to prevent a revolt on the part of those sponsors of the bill-- and perhaps to show what nutcases these people are.

by UCCKurt on Wed Jun 14, 2006 at 08:59:31 AM EST

I've been considering taking steps to promote the protest of Dominionist and other, erm, "anti-social" churches for some time.  Could you imagine free thinkers and liberal churches rallying around such churches with placards showing men, women, and children murdered by groups like these which they support?  Or pictures of the concentration camps for indigenous peoples established by New Tribes Mission in South America outside of churches that support them?  How about signs with "Your Tax Dollars At Work" outside of churches taking faith-based initiative money?  If churches are electioneering like this, then aren't they legitimate targets for protest?

by TheGlimmering on Wed Jun 14, 2006 at 12:25:48 PM EST
I have been thinking the very same thing.

Here in Sacramento we have a group of about 6 Russian/Ukraine megachurches that have been picketing gay events with some very vile signs and language.

Last Saturday about 100 people picketed our gay pride parade and fair.

They also have a truck with many signs on it.

I have been talking to some people and we are thinking about making our own truck with signs and parking outside their churches.

It is pathetic that a group of people who immigrated to this country for religious freedom are now using their religious beliefs to presecute another group of citizens.

by JerrySloan on Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 04:03:26 AM EST
"Jesus didn't do hate-speech" or something along those lines...

by Bruce Wilson on Thu Jun 15, 2006 at 06:23:19 AM EST

This sounds and looks exactly like what goes on in Kansas- that photo of the smiling white middle class suburbanite family posing with the bloody fetus placard is just like the typical Fred Phelps clan "protest".
The best response might be something like the Patriot Guard. One of my neighbors is a Vietnam vet and Biker dude and he goes to Iraq vet funerals with about 200 buddies and  just physically screens the family of the fallen soldiers from the obnoxious Phelps display. They are non violent, just stand with folded arms, but I have no doubt there strength is obvious (the roar of the bikes arriving helps too). They forced Phelps to take his ugly road show to other states, and now there are national Patriot Guard groups to respond to him wherever he shows up.  

by dorothy in oz on Fri Jun 16, 2006 at 10:54:39 AM EST

It's rather interesting IMHO that now the Army of God is finally revealing "Atomic Dog's" identity.

The reason I find this particularly interesting is that Kopp aka "Atomic Dog" is very specifically mentioned in the "Army of God Manual"--a book which is a literal guide to domestic terrorism.  (It was formerly available on the Army of God website but was yanked after the events of 11 September; reportedly it is still available via postal mail.)  In fact, Kopp (via his code-name) is specifically thanked along with sixty other individuals.

As noted in the article, Eric Rudolph and Paul Hill are other infamous "Army of God" members; a lesser-known Army of God member is Clayton Waagner, who mailed 550 letters containing powder claimed to be anthrax to women's clinics across the midwest US after the infamous "anthrax mailings" in what was apparently a copycat crime (without use of actual anthrax, fortunately).

The Army of God is also one of the parties behind a resolution claiming the killing of doctors and other workers at women's clinics that perform abortions is "justifiable homicide; other signers (besides known Army of God members) include Matthew Trewhella (leader of Missionaries to the Preborn, and connected with a large number of militia groups; Missionaries to the Preborn itself could qualify as a militia organisation).

Interestingly, Kopp aka "Atomic Dog" is one of the very few domestic terrorists associated with the Army of God (the other major one being Eric Rudolph) to end up on the FBI's Top Ten Most Wanted list.

by dogemperor on Mon Jun 19, 2006 at 08:04:55 AM EST

was also on the FBI's Most Wanted List at the same time as Kopp and Waagner. I wrote about this extensively for Salon.com and Womens eNews.

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