Christian Right Wrong On Gay Marriage in Massachusetts
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Thu Jul 13, 2006 at 01:41:20 AM EST
Mass Likely To Retain Lowest Divorce Rate Spot In 2005, Gay Marriage Hostile States Lag.

"It's like a rolling ball of snow. It gets bigger and bigger. You allow it in Massachusetts, it'll spread to God knows where." -  Massachusetts Democratic State Representative Emile J. Goguen, as quoted by the "Traditional Values Coalition" website

"We can look at those places where same-sex marriage has been legalized to see what the future looks like" - Ron Crews, President of The Massachusetts Family Institute, as quoted in the Washington Times, March 10, 2004

In early 2004, as the possibility of a decision legalizing gay marriage in Massachusetts drew near, many leaders of the American Christian and religious right issued warnings about the impending and allegedly apocalyptic impact of "gay marriage".

Across the US, religious right groups stepped up campaigns, against marriage equality, promoting state Constitutional Amendments that banned same sex marriage by defining marriage as solely between one man and one woman.

Major leaders of the American religious right made predictions that same sex marriage would cause the decline or destruction of the traditional family and the institution of marriage. Some warned of the destruction of Western Civilization or of a sinister conspiracy against Christianity. Some warned of the impending end of the world.