Dick Armey Denies Bush Administration Trying To Provoke "End Times"
Bruce Wilson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Tue Aug 15, 2006 at 12:34:08 PM EST
Richard Bartholomew, at Bartholomew's Notes On Religion, highlights a BBC interview with Dick Armey in which Armey states that both he and George W. Bush believe in the "Tribulation" and the "End Times" but are not trying to make those happen :

I think the most important question that you ask is: `are people in the United States, particularly people in positions of authority and responsibility - are they trying to make the End Times happen? Are they forcing the issue?' And those then become in my estimation the very dangerous people that we must look out for. And I don't believe that any people in office in a position of responsibility and authority in the United States today is trying to force these circumstances predicted in the Bible to come to pass.
Bartholomew notes Max Blumenthal's recent revelation in an August 8 piece in The Nation that the Bush Administration has had a number of recent "off-the-record" meetings with Texas pastor and televangelist John Hagee's new lobbying group, "Christians United For Israel".
Over the past months, the White House has convened a