IRS to Operation Rescue West: "You're Punked!"
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Thu Sep 14, 2006 at 01:24:28 AM EST
Photobucket - Video and Image HostingThis festive looking fellow is Troy Newman, director of Operation Rescue West. Until Monday, ORW enjoyed the privilege of favored tax status as its members harassed Dr. George Tiller and his patients, stalked clinic staff members into their own neighborhoods, and intruded on funeral goers with their gorily graphic "truth trucks" -- all while blatantly violating federal laws regulating the political activities of tax-exempt organizations.

But now the party's over.

On September 11, after years of repeated complaints, the Internal Revenue Service [pdf link] at last moved to strip Operation Rescue West of its tax-exempt status.  Two organizations that have been active in seeking sanctions against ORW's illegal political activities are the nationally recognized Catholics for a Free Choice and the lesser known and unlikely-sounding Maggot Punks, a group of pro-freedom activists based in Wichita, Kansas, also home to Operation Rescue West.  

Last December cyncoo