Blogging the Values Voters Summit
Frederick Clarkson printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Fri Oct 19, 2007 at 08:09:16 PM EST
A few weeks ago, I flagged the then-forthcoming Values Voters Summit. I can't be there -- but fortunately staffers from the progressive think tank, Political Research Associates are blogging the the weekend.

Chip Berlet writes about their plans to live-blog the event:

Three of us from PRA (Katherine Ragsdale, Tarso Ramos, and Chip Berlet) have arrived in Washington DC, and are setting up our base of operations at the Washington Hilton.

It is a busy schedule of events, but we will do our best to cover aspects of the conference that may not make headlines, but will be of interest to our readers.

(Washington, DC) Thousands of Christian Right activists from around the country will gather in Washington, DC, from Friday through Sunday, October 19th - 21st, for a national political conference. The event, dubbed The Washington Briefing, is billed by its sponsors as "the largest gathering of values voters from around the country." At a time when the Christian Right is in discord over who to support in 2008, virtually all the Republican presidential candidates will appear in person to make their cases. The results of a straw poll on these candidates will be announced before the end of the conference.

The summit is sponsored by some of the most influential Christian Right groups in the country including the political arms of Focus on the Family, Family Research Council, and American Family Association; Gary Bauer's American Values group; and the High Impact Leadership Coalition, headed by Bishop Harry R. Jackson.

In addition to speeches from politicians, top Right Wing leaders will address a broad range of issues including abortion, "the homosexual agenda," the threats posed to national security by immigration and Islam, racial reconciliation, and voter mobilization. Confirmed speakers include Gary Bauer, Bill Bennett, Robert Bork, Ken Blackwell, James Dobson, Newt Gingrich, Bishop Harry Jackson, Richard Land, Edwin Meese, Star Parker, Tony Perkins, Robert Rector, Alan Sears, Phyllis Schlafly, and Paul Weyrich.

PRA will be filing brief reports from this Christian Right political rally. For additional background and in depth analysis, visit our website's special section on the Christian Right.

I had written:

The religious right political group honchoed by Tony Perkins -- Family Research Council Action -- is hosting another of their Washington Briefings next month in Washington, DC. The conclave will feature a gala banquet to honor James Dobson; an all star cast of religious right leaders; GOP presidential candidates; country music legend Lee Greenwood -- and Jim Wallis.

Yes, Jim Wallis of Sojourners; author of the best-selling God's Politics:  Why the Right is Wrong and the Left Doesn't Get It; and advisor to the Democratic Party -- will debate religious right leader Richard Land, President, Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention on "The role of faith in politics and the 2008 Elections."

I had much to say about all this. It will be interesting to hear how it all turns out.

They are just getting started -- but stay tuned.

It's been on C-SPAN and C-SPAN2 today, and it's pretty much being covered wire-to-wire on these channels.  If you can't get it on TV, the website is streaming it.

I'm afraid it's a little like a train wreck -- very hard to look away.  I've watched most of it this afternoon and this evening.  

Quick comments:

Debate between Jim Wallis and Richard Land.  Only caught half of it.  Seemed to be pretty tame, debating the merits of fighting poverty as a pro-life issue.  Wallis did get booed for emphasizing Global Warming.  Nice.  

Rick Santorum -- laid into Hillary Clinton his whole speech.  Recounted his debate over partial birth abortion with Hillary Clinton.  Really tried to stick it to her.

Newt Gingrich -- claimed that the values of the audience are those of 80%-90% of the American population (i.e. if only those darned Washington lot would get out of the way, they would  naturally be in the majority).  I have rarely seen such shameless twisting the meaning of statistics and poll numbers in one session.  It's not surpising these people are so out of touch.

Ben Stein -- previewed his "Expelled" movie and spoke about how the free speech of Christians is being squashed.  Plenty of alarmist (and baseless) rhetoric about censorship of scientific ideas.  From the preview shown, the movie is going to be full of this sort of nonsense.

Ron Paul -- usual stuff, nothing very exciting.

Mitt Romney -- he's "always been pro-life".  Really, he said that.  Other than that - pander, tough on crime, pander, abortion, pander, family, pander, marriage, pander.  You get the picture.  Slick and unconvincing as ever.  (Someone is spreading a rumor that his supporters are attempting to "stuff" the straw poll at the event).  Chose intro music that sounded like the choirs of the heavenly hosts!

Phyllis Schlafley (sp?): Seemingly not impressed by *any*of the Republican candidates yet.  None of their commitments go far enough on judges, immigration, abortion, marriage, etc. etc.  

Missed Thompson, but one commenter is saw was that he was quite stilted.  Supporters seemed happy though (of course).

Gary Bauer -- hyping up the Islamic threat, and the atheist threat.  Now accusing the Dems of not supporting our troops -- etc. (pander, pander).   Now just ganging on about judges as usual.  Oops - lost the connection.

Another speaker (I forgot his name) warned that the Democrats are going to get the FCC to make talk radio stations to commit to certain standards in their broadcasting (a kind of back door Fairness Doctrine, he says).

There was a conservative (down the line) black pastor who also spoke who said that he was still a registered Democrat so that when people thought they could dismiss him because he was a Republican he could tell them that they were mistaken.  Huh?  He doesn't share any of the Democratic views. Sort of dishonest,  no?

by tacitus on Fri Oct 19, 2007 at 09:12:18 PM EST

Hah - just got the connection back in time to see them leaving the conference room.   Bauer was the last speaker.  That's it for the day.  

I hope not to be snared into watching tomorrow!!

I did forget about Duncan Hunter.  Since he's only an also-ran I don't think I paid that much attention, but he was also fearmongering -- this time about China stealing all our jobs and technologies and then investing the profits into building weapons that "can only have one purpose".  Also border, immigration, English-only, etc, etc.

Tell me, do right-wing Americans live in a state of perpetual fear.  Almost every speaker this afternoon makes it sound as though America is about to fall into an abyss.  The only thing they can't decide is which abyss it's going to be -- atheism, secularism, Islam, China, Mexicans, homosexuals...

I wasn't around during Reagan's elections (was in the UK).  Was old Ron as pessimistic about the threats facing the USA when he was running? (i.e. the Soviet Union).

by tacitus on Fri Oct 19, 2007 at 09:22:34 PM EST

-- "Tell me, do right-wing Americans live in a state of perpetual fear."

Yes, it appears they do.  What I'm wondering about is how well that describes us who are on the left.

There's a lot to fear: continuation and extension of war, all the things that go to make up 'fascism' and 'corporatism', climate change and continued environmental degradation, potential economic setbacks and financial meltdowns, and more.

What I pick up from reading, and occasionally responding to, websites and blogs from the far left to the far right, though, is that there's a lot less personal venom on the left, though it's certainly not absent there.  In general, we don't seem to feel as personally threatened; we may be angry rather than explosively enraged; somewhat more analytical rather than projecting our own fears, motives, and prejudices on to our adversaries.

What I've just written could just be a result of my thinking that our analyses are generally more realistic and fact-based than theirs.  But when I look at the spectacularly unfactual spin that I see in material from the right and compare that to the output from the left, I have to think there's a real difference -- perhaps with the exception of the most extreme conspiracy theorists on both sides.

I find it hard to find someone on the left to compare with Ann Coulter or Gary North, for example.

One disturbing trend I do see, however, is the more frequent appearance of rabid anti-Jewish sentiment in reader comments made on leftish news-and-opinion-aggregation sites.  There are a number of people who combine their apparently leftist opposition to the USA's Middle East policies with a belief that the Israel Lobby is a manifestation of an age-old Jewish/Zionist conspiracy.  Of course, I may just have had the misfortune to come across a few old-time bigots who've come out of the woodwork and have adapted their message to fit current events.

by wipeltz on Sat Oct 20, 2007 at 10:23:31 PM EST

Having watched and heard about this for a few months, I have realized that, although we have hundreds, if not thousands, of supposedly 'value voter leaders', they cannot find a moral or valued candidate to support uniformly.  Apparently, not from their own ranks, and not from outside.  And that - to me - seems to say an awful lot.  Is there not a moral candidate within the Christian right?  

by Brainbelle on Sun Oct 21, 2007 at 04:23:09 PM EST

I also attended the Values Voter Summit. I wrote a few comments here: christianists/

by efs5r on Tue Oct 23, 2007 at 08:53:05 PM EST

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