Bill Gothard Video: Schizophrenia equals irresponsibility
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Fri Dec 28, 2007 at 07:41:04 AM EST

With the recent revelation that GOP presidential frontrunner Mike Huckabee has ties to fringe evangelist Bill Gothard, more critics have started to ask questions about Gothard himself.  What do we know about the relatively obscure figurehead of a multi-million dollar empire that gets constantly compared to a cult—complete with teachings of blind obedience, and other brainwashing techniques that have many Christians calling foul.

Now, you can see Gothard for yourself, giving a speech on how mental illness is the result of people not taking personal responsibility for their actions.  But here’s the real show stopper:  he actually includes schizophrenia in his list of illnesses that are the result of people not taking responsibility for themselves.

That’s right—according to Bill Gothard, schizophrenia is the result of being irresponsible.  He attributes this “psychiatric finding” to the work of an unnamed “Jewish psychiatrist.”

It has been widely reported that Gothard blames rock music for societal ills, and he has claimed that cabbage patch dolls are possessed by demons.  Using weird belief systems like this, his empire creates a dominionist environment that teaches, for example, its women to be totally submissive, and other such mind-control elements.

A guy like Bill Gothard, who is even rumored to go water-skiing in his Sunday suit, is certainly not the kind of character we should expect to find hobnobbing with a serious presidential candidate.

"slow and lazy" maybe ?

by Bruce Wilson on Fri Dec 28, 2007 at 04:48:32 PM EST
As I have a relatively rare genetic bone disease (among other effects) any standing gets increasingly painful and while I have some strength, even light repetitive tasks can eventually cause great pain. (I once worked at a donut shop while in college, lifting a hundred pounds of dough was no problem, but moving individual donuts from the cutter to trays a foot away was excruciatingly painful)

Being able to lift a hundred pounds or so, and being able to stand and walk, folk presume that there are no real problems, so when I look for a place to sit down, wait for a near parking place to open up, use the electric shopping carts, or refuse a repetitive job,  then suddenly I am "slow and lazy".

As a teenager I was once refused Violin lessons because I wanted to sit to play. At that time I had no idea that everyone did not experience increasing pain to stand still for 20 min or so.

So yes I could bet that he would blame amputees for not getting out a