Is Mike Huckabee Going to Rock & Roll Hell? A Letter to Bill Gothard from Justin Jeffre
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Mon Dec 31, 2007 at 02:16:00 PM EST
[ed: bumped up from diaries]

Photo courtesy of here.

Bill Gothard PhD, Founder/President
The Institute in Basic Life Principles
Oak Brook, IL

Dear Dr. Gothard:

For the past couple years, my colleague, the Dean of Cincinnati, has been writing articles about you and your various enterprises. Before then I’d never even heard of you, your institute, your “character-building" seminars, your unaccredited medical school, your unaccredited law school, your nursing program, your Children’s Institute, your bible-centered paramilitary boot camp, your music school, your culinary arts program, your Institute of Photographic Studies, your resort-style training center in Guadalajara, your upholstery training program, your hair design program, etc. As you know, I’m just scratching the surface - the list keeps just on going and according to this 2006 In These Times cover story, The Cult of Character, business is booming:

Gothard, the 74-year-old, unmarried man at the head of the Oak Brook, Illinois-based Institute in Basic Life Principles (IBLP) - which brings in an estimated profit of at least $63 million annually - has been in the evangelism business since 1964.

But my letter today concerns matters far more serious than earthly possessions and multi-million dollar bank accounts. Today I’m asking you to save the eternal soul of the man you support to be the next President of the United States - Mike Huckabee. Thanks again to recent articles by The Dean, I learned that you and Governor Huckabee are longtime associates and that you were photographed together at a recent “Huckabee for President” campaign event at a Houston home. I also came across a December 13 Denver Post article about Matthew Murray, the young Colorado church shooter, which includes:

Murray also claims online that he went through Bill Gothard home schooling, a fundamental Christian organization that has about 2,000 students enrolled nationally. Gothard’s program bases a curriculum on the 54 verses from the Sermon on the Mount, and its strict teachings prohibit rock & roll and television. Gothard, in an interview Wednesday, said he “didn’t recall"ever meeting the Murray family, but he was sure one of the parents was probably trained in his program. Ultimately, Gothard blames rock music for Murray’s murderous rampage.  “That is the most contributing factor,” said Gothard, who is based in a small town south of Chicago. “It’d be important to see the connection between his passion to rock music and how it ultimately brought this on.” Gothard said whenever he gets calls from parents having trouble with their kids, he asks about what they listen to. “In every case, (the kid) is listening to rock music,” he said.

Here’s why I’m writing you. Though it’s been widely reported in the media, it may have escaped your attention that Gov. Huckabee not only loves rock music, he plays bass guitar in a rock band! I have located numerous photographs of him engaging in this activity. I must warn you that these images may disturb you, but you may click here to view them.

I also have a confession to make. Like Gov. Huckabee, I’ve engaged in similar activities. For the past decade, I’ve been a member of 98 Degrees, a group that performs the kind of music warned against as “unclean” and “satanic” in an article you published, Ten Scriptural Reasons Why the “Rock Beat” is Evil in Any Form. Taken from that essay, here’s a list which might be called “Bill Gothard’s Ten Commandments of Rock”:











I thought our group was just having a great time making our fans happy with fun music. If only we’d known how dangerous the “ROCK BEAT” is, we might have considered musical styles like the CDs and cassettes you sell on your website, such as The Music of the Children’s Institute: Volume 1 & 2, described as “Well-loved, character-teaching songs from the 1997-1998 Children’s Institutes sung by the Carman Family.”

Anyway, steady yourself, Dr. G, because I’m about to reveal some even more shocking information about Gov. Huckabee. He recently told a New York Times reporter he wants The Rolling Stones to play at his inaugural. Get thee behind me, Mick!

Bill, do you want Their Satanic Majesties to desecrate President Huckabee’s inauguration? Do you want a Commander in Chief who willfully violates your “Ten Commandments of Rock”? Do you want “The Star-Spangled Banner” performed with the “ROCK BEAT”? I’m wondering if you stand behind your own words. I’m sure you recognize this “Commitment to Reject the Deception of the ‘Rock Beat’ in Any Form”, a pledge you have asked others to sign:

“Almighty Father, based on the authority of your Word and the testimony of others, I now purpose to remove from my life any music that contains a “ROCK BEAT”; and to replace it with melodious music that glorifies You and edifies others.”

Signature _____________________________________________

Date _________________________________________________

I’m now calling on you to make a public request for your good friend Mike Huckabee to sign it, too.

And there’s not a moment to waste. As I write this, CBS News reports that the Governor is encouraging the kind of blasphemy you said caused the Colorado tragedy:

With about 150 supporters crowded around a podium set up on the tarmac of Orlando Executive airport...Mike Huckabee strode out to the strains of “Right Now” by Van Halen....

You seem to prefer quick and easy answers, such as your claim that most mental illnesses, including schizophrenia, are simply a lack of personal responsibility.

Okay, now let’s see you take some personal responsibility.

For decades, you’ve been blaming rock music for society’s problems. Now’s your chance to make an international public statement, courtesy of your good friend, Rockin’ Mike Huckabee. What do you have to say to this man who consistently violates one of your most cherished “Basic Life Principles,” a man you want to be leader of the free world?

When are you going to condemn him like you condemned young Matthew Murray?

If that question’s too tough for you, I can direct you to some character-building seminars.

Justin Jeffre

This is a great opportunity to hold these hypocrites' feet to the fire. I only wonder which blowhard will be the first to say "no comment".

by trog69 on Tue Jan 01, 2008 at 11:09:14 PM EST

Oh, for certain, but not for playing rock music.

Get a look at those mom jeans he is wearing! That's a bit of fashion hell right there!

by Molly on Fri Jan 04, 2008 at 06:59:44 PM EST

I can't even count all the kinds of awesome that are in here. I linked to this at my blog (underneath a very longdrawnout post about personal issues, but still.) Thank you so much.

by GreenEyed Lilo on Fri Jan 04, 2008 at 03:33:00 PM EST
By the way, I (scarily) have something in common with Huckabee--I play bass, too!

And you know what you call a male bass player with two brain cells, don't you? Overqualified. (A bass-playing woman like myself? Pregnant!)

More bassist jokes here, just for the fun of it...

by GreenEyed Lilo on Sat Jan 05, 2008 at 02:30:26 PM EST

I too agree with the fact that Mr. Gothard is unknown to many of us. But now after reading this article I came to the conclusion that he is a great successful man having many institutions and I would like to listen to his seminar programs. Please inform if there is any upcoming seminars of him.   
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