More on the Real Thomas Jefferson
Chris Rodda printable version print page     Bookmark and Share
Sat Dec 08, 2007 at 04:03:40 PM EST
I haven't posted anything here for a few weeks due to a broken foot (the price of adopting a completely untrained 100 pound pit-bull who doesn't know his own strength), and being completely overwhelmed with work for the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF). But, before getting back to Thomas Jefferson, as the title of this post indicates I'm going to do, I'd like to take a minute to ask the readers here at Talk2Action to please support MRFF. We've made tremendous progress this year -- stopping the Pentagon from allowing the shipment of the Tim LaHaye video game to our troops in Iraq; filing the first in what will be a series of federal lawsuits; exposing the infiltration of the military by Campus Crusade for Christ, whose goal it is to use our armed forces to create "government-paid missionaries for Christ" -- but, needless to say, there is still much, much more to be done. So, please make a donation if you can, or let others know about MRFF by slapping a MRFF bumper sticker on your car (my personal favorite is "The Rapture Is Not An Exit Strategy"). To read some of the latest articles about MRFF, find out how to make a donation, or to order a bumper sticker or other MRFF merchandise, check out MRFF's December newsletter.

That said, I am now taking off my MRFF hat and putting on my historian hat to debunk another lie from the D. James Kennedy / Mark Beliles list o