Christian Reconstructionists vs. the Demonization of Islam
Now, a few days ago I wrote about a tendency, within the Chalcedon Foundation, towards Geocentrist beliefs. So, is Chris Ortiz is a geocentrist ? Well, even if he is that question is simply not relevant to Ortiz' critique of bellicose Christian rhetoric deployed against all of Islam : his argument rises or falls on it's own merit. What's worth noting, also, is this : The Chalcedon Foundation's apparent opposition to a US and / or Israeli attack on Iran is consistent with Chalcedon's theological positions. Christian Reconstructionist theology is post-Millennial meaning ; Reconstructionists feel that --instead of triggering events leading to the Tribulation, the Apocalypse, and Armageddon that must precede the Second Coming-- they instead must impose Christian theonomic rule - gove |