Richard Land and the Religious Right
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Mon Apr 23, 2007 at 07:15:55 PM EST
Guest front pager Rev. Don Wilkey Jr. is the pastor of  Onalaska First Baptist Church, in Onalaska, Texas. He is active in Americans United for Separation of Church and State. -- fc

"Under Land and his Fundamentalist cronies,"  writes Rob Boston of Americans United for Separation of Church and State,  "the SBC (Southern Baptist Convention) has more or less become a Religious Right organization and an arm of the Republican Party." It is also worth noting that as the country is clearly shifting away from President Bush and the GOP, Land has had his finger to the wind and is now positioning himself as more more moderate. But let's not forget the Richard Land who has been as much a fire-breathing leader of the religious right as Jerry Falwell, albeit less famous.

Rev. Dr. Richard Land is president of the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC, which seeks to convey ethical and religious liberty concerns to the churches and nation. But in practice, according to Clyde Glazner, a recent Baptist president of the Texas Baptist Convention, it functions more like a a political action committee than a religious liberty organization.

When Land was was inaugurated into office, evangelical author Carl Henry set the tone for Land's tenure in which he attacked "radical church-state separation."  This was unsurprising, given that the original board that issued his call to office was stacked with members of the John Birch Society -- and at least one man who praised South African apartheid. Land has embraced historical revisionist and lingtime Texas Republican Party Vice-Chairman David Barton who is an arch enemy of separation of church and state. Suggested reading on Land's web site often lists writers who advocate a theocracy instead of a democracy, such as Christian Reconstructionist Gary DeMar.

He has has parted with his predecessors by advocating a strong accomodationist line in church state matters. His allies in the SBC and in the  Texas Baptist Convention have openly courted favor with Jay Sekulow, head of the American Center for Law and Justice (founded by Pat Roberston) whose professional career is marked by attacks on traditional separation rulings.  The fact that Land gave the 2007 Religious Liberty award to President Bush stunned many experts on the subject who view Bush as one of the worst enemies of separation of church and state. His administration, among other offenses, has offered government money to churches -- anathema to the Baptist tradition.  Land has bashed the Supreme Court's "Lemon test" that has been the gold standard of church state separation for decades, and the Engels vs. Vitale decision which most experts hail as religious liberty victories for the nation.

Land frequently invites Religious Right leaders like Beverly LaHaye and Nancy Schaefer to appear at events, and photos abound showing him in the midst of the nation's active Religious Right leadership. Land has shared platforms with people like Larry Pratt of Gunowners of America -- who Pat Buchanan dropped from his 1996 campain for president following revelations of Pratt's ties to militia groups.

Meanwhile government funding of churches and church schools, a forbidden fruit to earlier generations of Baptists, has been vigorously supported by President Bush via school vouchers, among other methods. But Land seems to find little fault with this. Land once said that sending children to public schools was like sending kids to the Children's Crusades -- the bizarre Middle Ages marches on the Holy Land that ended in death for thousands of children.

Land's profound involvement with the Religious Right does not stop there.  He has teamed up with the Religious Right to attack "activist judges". Land said, "These judges want an immoral, secular society where everyone remains beholden to no higher power, and if they ever accomplished that, it would be the end of our nation as we know it."   Land also believes it is a Biblical mandate to support modern Israel. He states that it is more important for America to support Israel than it is for Israel to support us. This, he claims, will guarantee us the blessing of God.   Land also signed on with a group of Religious Right activists warning against the idea that Global Warming was a legitimate concern. Land has hinted that the environmentalists might be linked to Communists.

One of the hallmarks of Land's career has been his involvement in the Republican Party. One of Land's infamous statements was his demand that there be a wedding wing signifying the Religious Right's consummation of its marriage with  with GOP politicians.  

Land has often used his access to Baptist churches through his office, newsletter and influence, to help Republican candidates. In 2004, Land traveled around in a vote values bus which appeared to be little more than a President Bush campaign vehicle.  One of the recent presidents of the SBC had Ralph Reed, Bush's regional campaign manager, into his church to host a conference on Christian activism. Land equated the election of Bush as God's will and stated that the election of John Kerry would have shown the nation God was judging us. Given all this, it should come as no surprise that The Nation magazine once reported Land has more Republican items in his office than Christian symbols.

Land has publicly embraced movements like the Nehemiah Project, which was a church electioneering project at Second Baptist in Houston that  got the church in trouble with the IRS.  His office once honored a Texas activist for his efforts to sell churches videos of Democrats who were supposed to be involved in all sorts of evil plots. The movies were even recommended to me as substitutes for evening church services. Richard shocked many observers when he stated that he had more in common with Pope John Paul II than he did with well-known Baptist Jimmy Carter. For a Baptist to claim more identity with a Pope is a far cry from Baptism's protestant foundations which emphasize how they differ from Catholics.  Unsurprisingly,  Land reportedly speaks weekly with White House political strategiest Karl Rove.

One of the strange items in Land's agenda is his support for the War in Iraq. Land often attacked Bill Clinton for evading the draft during Viet Nam but has been silent about George W. Bush's service during the time. He has been the chief cheer leader for the current war claiming we must stay the course. His Fundamentalist Baptist friends in Texas have even suggested folks against the war are pagans. Land advocated the impeachment of president Bill Clinton as well as being a frequent critic of his policies from China to health care. He even went so far as to a state that we needed to make Clinton the last casualty of the Viet Nam War.  In 2007 Land compared Hillary Clinton's potential presidency as a Darth Vader-like specter.

Years ago, Richard Land cast his lot with the fundamentalist takeover of the SBC, with the religious right political movement, and in particular, the presidency and policy of George W. Bush. He has played a central role in making the SBC an agency of fundamentalism and a prop for the Bush agenda.   We can only wonder how the changing political climate will affect his fortunes, and those of the SBC.

leaves no question that his number one interest is politics, and not pastoral care or theology. His show is one of three exclusively political daily shows on the local 100,000 W conservative Christian radio station, the others being done by Jay Sekulow (national) and radio-chain owner Dick Bott (Midwestern state politics as well as national politics). Even Dobson throws in an occasional non-political item - these three, never.

by NancyP on Mon Apr 23, 2007 at 09:56:14 PM EST

for a Baptist convention he had organized. I went to cover it as a radio reporter.
The convention was treated to a welcoming speech by then-governor George W. Bush, who had not yet announced for president. All press (basically, me, for this underreported meeting) were ejected from the event, which lasted long enough to include who knows what promises from W as well as the standard words of welcome.

by nogodsnomasters on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 09:02:51 AM EST

Land's pastor when he took the job with the SBC was a man who had an interesting history. The pastor once spoke at a segregationist rally in South Carolina before the state legislators.  This pastor also said that the idea of separation of church and state came from an infidel. Folks who do not go along with Land's hard right positions are sluffed off by Richard as people who just don't believe the Bible.

by wilkyjr on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 10:43:28 AM EST

This is all the more bizarre when one remembers that historically Baptists have always held to separation from the world. This separation they call "holiness". And now they want to join with the very core of the world, namely government. They deny not only the Bible but their own Baptist tradition

by strefanash on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 01:08:52 PM EST


Thanks for putting Richard Land's extremist positions on record.

At times I think Land is more moderate theologically than he is politically.  Politics always seems to trumph theology for him.

by Mainstream Baptist on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 03:09:32 PM EST


I have little use for Richard Land.  Instead of accepting the separationist perspective which most Baptists have historically embraced, Land took the SBC further down the path of accommodationism (or as he calls it, the neo-majoritarian accommidationist perspective)

You noted in the first paragraph that Land is positioning himself as more of a moderate.  However, you never expounded on that thought.  

Despite the connections/associations with DeMar, Birchers, or whoever else, it seems Land has begun to branch out and cooperate with centrists and progressives.  Twice in the past month or so, Land has teamed up with Ted Kennedy and the National Council of Churches on issues pertaining to tobacco and immigration.  His interview with Colbert recently was equally as shocking - where he described how he refused to call the Pope the head of a false religion.  Many Southern Baptists in leadership positions would jump (and have) at the opportunity to make such a statement.  

I do agree that the ERLC is nothing but a PAC.  Due to his love for and allegiance to Bush, Land lost the ability to speak prophetically on behalf of SBC a long long time ago.  That's unfortunate.  

by Big Daddy Weave on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 07:47:01 PM EST


I'm not sure of the connection between Baptists and "Holiness" that you speak of?  Of course, there have always been separtist Baptists but most Baptists (whether they admit it or not) have always been "worldly."  Since Baptists came to dominate the South in the 19th century, we have always held positions in government at the local, state, and national levels.  And such active roles in civil affairs do not contradict our theology nor our tradition.

However, not until recently have Baptists begun to advocate taking over school boards, local government positions, etc..

by Big Daddy Weave on Tue Apr 24, 2007 at 07:51:28 PM EST

and welcome to TTA. We've been needing a little more rabble-rousing from the Piney Woods around here, and it's especially nice to see someone else who knows where FM 356 is, even if you do hail from the other side of the Trinity County line.  :-)

Thanks for the great post.

by moiv on Wed Apr 25, 2007 at 09:40:14 PM EST

it looked so easy, our heritage beckoned the nation was, after all, christian and so they began their crusade marching toward theocracy and as they plodded the children wailed "are we there yet?" and god whispered back "you're going the wrong way"

by tom cady on Sat May 05, 2007 at 09:26:05 AM EST

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