On ADF's War Against Church-State Separation
Their successful (but under appeal) argument defending the Haskell County Courthouse's Ten Commandments Monument was to defend the free speech rights of a private citizen to express his opinions by erecting a permanent granite monument on the courthouse lawn. If this ruse passes muster with the higher courts, I predict that we will eventually see granite monuments expressing the free speech rights of private citizens of other faiths and of atheists on the courthouse lawn in Haskell County, Oklahoma. There is no doubt that that is not what the Haskell County Commissioners had in mind when they approved the Ten Commandments monument, but that is what their testimony in court said they intended to permit.
On ADF's War Against Church-State Separation | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)
On ADF's War Against Church-State Separation | 7 comments (7 topical, 0 hidden)